Active Directory GPO Backup and Restore

Active Directory GPO Backup and Restore

Note: Using this process, 80-85% of data can be restored.

Backup and restore group policy objects in Active Directory.

  • Below details depicts, how to backup using both the group policy management console and using PowerShell.

The Restore-GPO cmdlet does not recover deleted GPOs, but instead it is for restoring an existing GPO from backup. Need to use the GUI to recover a deleted GPO. Details and examples are below.

How to Backup Group Policy Objects using the GUI

  • Step 1: Browse to the GPO you want to backup.

  • Open the group policy management console and browse the GPOs. Select a single GPO, or to backup all of them, select the group policy objects folder. In this example, Please backup all GPOs.

  • Next, right-click what you want to backup, and select “back up”.

  • When backing up all GPOs, it will say “Back Up All”.

  • When backing up a single GPO it will say “Back Up”. In this example, backing up the lock screen gpo.

Step 2: Select a backup folder

  • Next, select the folder that wants the GPO backups to be placed.

  • Created a folder called “GPO_backups” on my local computer. It’s also a good idea to give your folder a description and date.

  • Now click the “Back up” button to start the backup process.

  • Check the status at the bottom where it will show how many GPOs were successfully backed up.

  • Next, is how to backup GPOs using PowerShell.

Backup Group Policy Objects using PowerShell

  • To backup GPOs with PowerShell, the Backup-gpo cmdlet is used.

Example 1: PowerShell Backup of a single GPO

  • In the below example, it is backing up a single GPO to the folder c:\it\GPO_backups and providing a comment.

backup-gpo -Name 'Computer - Allow Pings' -Path C:\it\GPO_backups -Comment "GPO-Backup"

Example 2: PowerShell backup of all GPOs

  • Use this command to backup all GPOs using Powershell.

  • That’s how the backups GPOs with PowerShell, Microsoft has made it very easy.

Restore Group Policy Objects

  • Sure, let's look at how to restore GPOs.

  • To restore, right-click on “Group Policy Objects” and select “Manage Backups”.

  • Browse to the backup folder select the GPOs to restore, and select a single or multiple GPO. In this example, it is restoring the lock screen GPO.

  • Click the restore button and get the status screen.

  • Nice work. The GPO has been restored.

  • It’s a good idea to check the GPO to verify that the settings are correct after the restore. Click on the GPO and then to settings to verify its configuration.

  • Use the Restore-GPO cmdlet to restore GPO settings but not to recover a deleted GPO.

  • Let’s say someone made a change to my “Lock Screen” policy and needs to restore the settings from a backup. In this case, the Restore-GPO cmdlet can be used to restore the GPO settings.

  • If the “Lock Screen” GPO was deleted the Restore-GPO cmdlet cannot be used.

  • Below are examples.

  • Do you see what that error message says? GPO was not found in my domain because the GPO was deleted so PowerShell cannot restore the settings.

  • Now run it again, except this time the Lock screen GPO exists in the domain.

  • So again, the Restore-GPO cmdlet appears to only work when the GPO exists in the domain, and will not restore a deleted GPO.

These are commands that will delete the registry changes

  1. To delete Current Version Policies:

  • reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

  1. To delete Microsoft WindowsSelfHost:

  • reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost" /f

  1. To delete Software Policies:

  • reg delete "HKCU\Software\Policies" /f

  1. To delete Microsoft Policies:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Policies" /f

  1. To delete Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

  1. To delete Microsoft WindowsSelfHost:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost" /f

  1. To delete Software Policies:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\Policies" /f

  1. To delete WOW6432Node Microsoft Policies:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Policies" /f

  1. To delete WOW6432Node Microsoft Windows CurretVersion Policies:

  • reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

This completes the Active Directory GPO Backup and Restore Documentation.