CyberCNS one-off Assessment Scan / CyberCNS Sales ToolKit

CyberCNS one-off Assessment Scan / CyberCNS Sales ToolKit


CyberCNS supports one time assessment of a network typically for a pre-sales activity with a new prospect.

Assessment View

  • Navigate to the Assessment View section from the top menu of CyberCNS.

  • This loads the Assessment section wherein you can download the Assessment Agent, Delete Assessment Company, and Upload the Assessment report post-assessment scan is completed.

  • To download and install the Assessment Agent, click on Assessment Agent and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Default login to https://localhost:8088

  • Username: admin Password: password. You can change it using Change Password option on the page.

For Windows

  • Select Windows and click on Download to download the Assessment agent for Windows.

  1. Download CyberCNSAssessment_Windows.zip file.

2. Extract the zip file.

3. Navigate to a downloaded location using file explorer & open CyberCNSAssessment_Windows Folder

4. Run StartAssessment.bat file as an Administrator from the command prompt

5. Browse https://localhost:8088; log in and Step through the Wizard

For Linux, Mac & ARM platforms, NMAP is mandatory on the system where the agent is installed for a successful assessment scan.

For Linux

  • Select Linux and click on Download to download the Assessment agent for Windows.

  1. Download CyberCNSAssessment_Linux.zip file

  2. Extract zip file

  3. Open Terminal

  4. sudo su

  5. For Ubuntu/Debian install Nmap by running `apt install -y nmap`

  6. For RHEL/Centos install Nmap by running `yum install nmap`

  7. cd <DownloadPath>/CyberCNSAssessment_Linux

  8. chmod +x StartAssessment.sh

  9. ./StartAssessment.sh

  10. Browse https://localhost:8088; log in and Step through the Wizard

For Mac

  • Select Mac and click on Download to download Assessment agent for Windows.

  1. Download CyberCNSAssessment_Darwin.zip file

  2. Extract zip file

  3. Open Terminal

  4. sudo su

  5. brew install nmap

  6. cd <DownloadPath>/CyberCNSAssessment_Darwin

  7. chmod +x StartAssessment.sh

  8. ./StartAssessment.sh

  9. Browse https://localhost:8088; log in and Step through the Wizard. As shown below.

Permission Request: Please follow the below steps on the Mac system.

  1. Navigate to System Preferences

  2. Select App Store and identified developers & Click Allow Anyway under Security & Privacy as shown below.

For ARM (Raspberry Pi)

  • Select ARM and click on Download to download the Assessment agent for Windows.

  1. Download CyberCNSAssessment_ARM.zip file

  2. Extract zip file

  3. Open Terminal

  4. sudo su

  5. For Ubuntu/Debian install Nmap by running `apt install -y nmap`

  6. For RHEL/Centos install Nmap by running `yum install nmap`

  7. cd <DownloadPath>/CyberCNSAssessment_ARM

  8. chmod +x StartAssessment.sh

  9. ./StartAssessment.sh


we are not supporting the assessment agent if there were any spaces in the folder path.

Refer below screenshot for reference,


Login and start the assessment

  • Browse https://localhost:8088; log in and Step through the Wizard

  • It will navigate to a login screen as below

  • Please use below default credentials to log in for the first time

Username: admin

Password: password

  • You can change it using the Change Password option on the page. D

  • On successful login, the CyberCNS Sales toolkit needs to be set up for a successful Assessment Scan. It will take through Assessment Wizard to add settings.

  • Please click Next

  • Add IP Address Ranges OR Static IP within a network.

  • Click on NEXT to proceed further.


  • Provide SNMP Credentials ( Read-Only) to scan network devices. SNMP v2/v2/v3 are supported here.

  • Click on NEXT to proceed further.

  • Provide individual credentials across Assets for Windows, Linux, and Firewall.

  • Click on NEXT to proceed further.

  • Provide Active Directory Credentials.

  • Click on NEXT to proceed further.

  • Once all is set up successfully Scan will be initiated.

  • On successful completion, it will list the Assets list which is scanned successfully.

  • Click on NEXT to proceed further.

  • In case there is no internet connection choose the option Download Now.

  • If there is an internet connection choose the option to Upload To Server.

  • On Successful Assessment Scan, the Assessment Result will be ready to be downloaded.

  • Select Download Now and click on NEXT to proceed further.

  • An assessmentDownload.zip file will be downloaded successfully.

Upload Assessment

  • Navigate back to your CyberCNS portal (abc.mycybercns.com) into Assessment View.

  • Click on Upload Assessment.

  • Define an Assessment Company Name and upload Assessment Zip File using Choose File option.

  • Select the downloaded Assessment Result Zip file here to upload to the CyberCNS portal.

  • Once it is successfully uploaded, the Jobs section will show the Assessment Upload job completed successfully.

  • If the upload of the assessment fails, the result file can be reuploaded from the agent folder (where ever you are running from the assessmentreport.zip). The resulting file is called assessmentreport.zip. In the end, the Logfile can be found for assessment in the agent folder.

  • On Successful Assessment Scan, can choose the option to upload to the server.

🔹 For SAAS users, please enter the Domain name as the Tenant Name(Example: netalytics).

🔸 For On Prem Users, please enter the Domain name as an example: abcv2.mycybercns.com

  • Please enter the CyberCNS Domain Name, CyberCNS Login Email, CyberCNS Login Password, and MFA code and click on Next.


  • When you are logging through SSO login, please enter the CyberCNS Domain Name, CyberCNS ClientID(Navigate to global view in CyberCNS → Users → Actions → API Key → Copy ClientID), and CyberCNS ClientSecret(Navigate to global view in CyberCNS → Users → Actions → API Key → Copy ClientSecret).

  • When the assessment data is uploaded successfully, will get a notification to check the CyberCNS portal for the status and click on Finish.

  • Navigate back to your CyberCNS portal (abc.mycybercns.com) into Assessment View.

  • To upload the Assessment, select the Company name from the dropdown menu.

  • Once it is successfully uploaded, the Jobs section will show the Assessment Upload job completed successfully.

  • Once done, Active Assets will show all discovered and scanned Assets listed.

  • The assessment section will have data only in the below sections

  1. Active Assets

  2. Firewalls

  3. Remediation Plan

  4. Standard Reports - This will have an additional Assessment Report in pdf format.

  5. Vulnerabilities

  6. Compliance

  7. Active Directory

  8. Network Scan Findings

  9. External Scan

  10. Jobs

This Completes One-off Assessments.

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