Deprecated Assets

Deprecated Assets

Below is a link to our YouTube Channel Series @ConnectSecureEducation which covers the ‘Active Assets’ module within CyberCNS. After the video link is our documentation. Let us know if you have any feedback, you can email to education@connectsecure.com


Asset deprecation is designed to help you clean up assets that are no longer active or being managed and are no longer reachable from the CyberCNS agent. You can customize the amount of days until we consider an asset deprecated.

Only ‘OFFLINE’ agents will automatically move to ‘Deprecated Assets’ based on settings below

Table of Contents

Setting Asset Deprecation Days

Assets are any device discovered by the ‘Probe’ during the asset discovery scanning.

  1. Navigate to Global > Settings > Asset Deprecation Days

  2. Set the number of days which an asset is not discovered before it is considered ‘deprecated’

  3. Click save

Setting Agent Deprecation Days

Agents include both Probes and Lightweight Agents installed on any endpoints

  1. Navigate to Global > Settings > Agent Deprecation Days

  2. Set the number of days which an asset is not discovered before it is considered ‘deprecated’

  3. Click save