

Scan Jobs

CyberCNS lists out jobs initiated at a company level in this section. A Job is simply some system task such as a Vulnerability Scan or AD Scan that is running. This helps to get an idea about the status of different scans along with reasons for success or failure.

  • In the Jobs tab, we can see the status of scans, whether it is a success(), failure(), or partially () , complete.

  • Click on the Updated column or use the Action can get the details of the job which is successful.

  • It is possible to download the Full data or the Filtered data of the Jobs by clicking on the () download option, where the data will be downloaded in xlsx format.

  • The created tab will show the status of created date & time for the job.

  • For example, in the depicted below image, will get the Job details of Asset Inventory Status and Asset Job Status of the assets.

  • Another example is - Click on the All status of the job to get the details of the Asset status.

  • Another example Click on the partial status of the job to get the details of the Asset status.


  • Another example Click on the Failed status of the job to get the details of the Asset status.


  • Another example is - Click on the Running status of the job to get the details of the Asset status.


  • Another example is - Click on the Success status of the job to get the details of the Asset status.

  • Click on the filter and click on Choose job status in that you will get all the job statuses like success, failure, partial, running, and all.

  • Click on the filter and click on Choose Tasks and you will get all the jobs statuses like All, Active Directory scan, Asset inventory scan, Firewall san, snmap scan, PI scan.


  • In the depicted below image, you will get a filter of the Job details job status, and different types of tasks, and add the scheduler Name.

  • In the below image, the details of Asset SNMP Job Status with REASON, STATUS, DISCOVERED PROTOCOL, RISK SCORE, NOAUTH VULSCOUNT, and BASE SCORE when the job status is partial.

  • Any Job can be terminated using the Action > Terminate option as depicted below.


  • Asset Job Status Report can be downloaded on any job completion.

  • Click on the download button and select the filters to download the Asset Job Status Report.

  • Click on Submit, Report will be downloaded.

Scheduler Report Jobs

  • The status of the report schedulers is now part of the jobs, It explains why an email is not sent or some reports did not get generated.

  • Under the column, these are options available for jobs like created, updated, Job Status, job id, Agent Name, and Task.

  • Under the Filter column, these are options available for jobs All, Running, Success, Partial, and Failed.

  • To view the details of the Report Scheduler click on Details.

  • Here can see the details of the Report Scheduler with Report Name, Report Type, Reason, and Status.


  • Under the Action column, these are options available Details, Terminate, Retry, and Download Report.

  • If the job fails, click on the retry option to re-run it.

  • In case need to terminate the scheduled job can use the option to terminate.

  • At the moment, Standard report jobs that have been successfully or partially completed allow those generated reports to be downloaded using the available download report option.

Patch Jobs

  • As soon as the patch is initiated, these jobs are created under the Jobs > Patch Jobs table view.

  • Once the job is completed and the assets rescan is completed, the application shows as patched with the latest version.

  • Click on Column and select Time Elapsed the time elapsed for the particular patching application is shown here. This is not a default column in this view unless selected as shown.


  • When the patch is successfully updated, click on Action> Details to get the information on the applications which is patched.

Agent Event Logs


Azure Active Directory Jobs

Azure Active Directory relatedDirectory-related jobs with details ( failed with errors and successful) can be referred to in this section.

  • When Azure AD Integration is added successfully and a company mapping is set for the required company, that company will show Azure Active Directory under the main menu.

  • Navigate to the Azure Active Directory at the company level and select the Sync Now option to scan for data at that time. This will create a job and the status of the job can be viewed under the jobs section.

  • Navigate to the Jobs> Azure Active Directory Jobs section, to view the successful job completion or the status of the job.

  • Once the scan completes successfully, in the Azure Active Directory section, the details of Users, Computers, Groups, and Licenses are captured.

Azure Active Directory Scan - For Azure Re-authentication(90 days token expiry issue)

  • When the job fails click on Updated time or under the Active column select the details option to view the status of the failure of the job.

  • While checking job details, the status of the success or failure of the jobs is seen. In case the particular job fails the error message of the job can be seen here for details.

  • If the Azure Active Directory Scan fails, in the note section click on the click here option for Azure Re-authentication. This click will initiate the re-authentication process for Azure Active Directory.

  • Now confirm whether the user has Global Admin access with valid permissions (If yes, select the checkbox and click on Next).

  • For Re-authentication, → For a CSP account, follow the below steps for Azure AD Integration with the Microsoft Azure portal and click on Next.

  • Sign in to your Microsoft account or pick any of the accounts which are already added.


  • Once the above steps are completed, click on Verify if Re-authenticated, and then the pop-up will be shown as Process initiated successfully.

  • Azure AD Data Sync job initiated can be seen.

  • Once the successful completion of the job, the data will be populated under Azure Active Directory.

If any one or more Azure AD component fails → Follow the below steps

  • When the job fails click on Updated time or under the Active column select the details option to view the reason for the job failure.

  • Under job details, the status of the success or failure of the jobs can be seen. In case the particular job fails the error message can be seen.

  • If the Azure Active Directory Scan fails, in the note section click on the click here option for Azure Re-authentication.

  • Now confirm whether the user has Global Admin access with valid permissions (If yes, select the checkbox and click on Next).

  • Follow the below steps for Microsoft API Consent and click on Next.

  • Sign in to your Microsoft account or pick any of the accounts which are already added.

  • Allow the below permissions and click on Accept.

  • Once again sign into your Microsoft account to re-authenticate.

  • Once the above steps have been completed, a notification pops up as Azure AD Consent added successfully. Post which please click on Verify If Re-authenticated.

  • Once clicked on Verify if Re-authenticated, then the pop-up will be shown as Process initiated successfully.

  • Azure AD Data Sync job initiated can be seen.

  • Once the jobs are successfully completed, the data will be populated under Azure Active Directory.

  • This completes the information about the Jobs section.


Case 1: Dial tcp <ipaddress>:445 failure 

For this issue run the below command on the reported host and initiate a scan. These commands will help set SMB as True and help successfully scan an asset.

-> Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

-> Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "File And Printer Sharing (SMB-In)" -Enabled true -Profile Any

-> Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "File And Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)" -Enabled true -Profile Any

Case 2: No credential matched

  1. For Active Directory Credentials, ensure that the Domain is added as a fully qualified domain name(FQDN) has been added, Active Directory DC Name to have the IP address( In case of DNS resolution failure, Asset Name will not work). Please refer to the screenshot below

2. For the Asset Inventory scan credential match issue, please follow the steps below to verify.

This tool will verify the SMB communication between the probe agent and the remote asset. If this tool succeeds the communication from the agent machine then the probe agent will scan the remote asset for the vulnerabilities successfully, giving the Risk Score for that asset.

  • ​Download this file and copy it to the CyberCNS installation folder under C:\ProgramFiles<X86>\CyberCNSAgentV2


  • Navigate to the location of the file and run the below command under PowerShell as an admin

>>./validateSMB.exe -hostname <IPAddress> -username <Username> -password <Password> -domain <domainname>

Note: Please add a password in double quotes.

Eg: >>./validateSMB.exe -hostname -username cybercns -password “asdfghj” -domain cybercns

Case 3: OS type not detected

If there are no open ports detected by the nmap port scan from the CyberCNS agent; it will only obtain a nmap ping, which is the reason why it shows OS type not detected. Based on the open ports found, the detection of the OS type is done. since it did not return any value the error “OS Type Not detected” will be shown. To confirm, run the below commands from the agent machine.

  • Open the command prompt as an administrator

  • Navigate to the cybercnsagentv2 folder

-> cd C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberCNSAgentV2\nmap

  • Run the nmap command

>>nmap.exe -sT --top-ports 3300 <IP Address>

If the output of this command returns as no ports open, then the error given above is correct.

If the output of this command returns ports, means that ports are found open. In this case please provide a screenshot to Support to look into further.

Case 4: No Active Assets Found

We can find the agent log to determine the cause of this issue in the cybercns.log file. Agent log can be located on the agent system at the "C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberCNSAgentV2\logs"

1. The Nmap scan fails due to the permission issue when installing dependencies like

npcap and VC_redistx86. (windows)This can be resolved by manually installing the agent.

Open command prompt as administrator in agent machine

Step 1: stop agent services

  • net stop cybercnsagentmonitor

  • net stop cybercnsagentv2

Step 2: Navigate to the agent nmap folder and install npcap and VC_redist x86 manually.

C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberCNSAgentV2\nmap

  • Run the Npcap OEM executable

  • Run the VC_redist x86 executables

Step 3: on successful installation initiate a scan in the Cybercns portal.


2. It may be the older version of the npcap driver present on the machine that is not supporting the agent. Please uninstall the npcap using the below steps.

Open command prompt as administrator in the agent machine

Step 1: stop agent services

  • net stop cybercnsagentmonitor

  • net stop cybercnsagentv2

Step 2: Uninstall the npcap / pcap driver from the agent machine

Step 3: Reboot the machine

Step 4: Initiate the scan from the Cybercns portal, which will automatically install the latest NPCAP OEM version and run the scan normally.

Multiple options can be selected.


This completes the Active Assets documentation.


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