This section provides an overview of Vulnerabilities detected using CyberCNS.
CyberCNS scans your IT Infrastructure (Servers, Desktops/Laptops, Network Equipment) using standard protocols to determine the version of Software and Firmware running on these systems. Based on that version information, CyberCNS detects how vulnerable the system is.
Several times a day, the CyberCNS vulnerability databases are synchronized with several cloud resources and your IT infrastructure is checked for potential vulnerabilities and exploits. A Vulnerability overview for each company by OS and by Severity is shown below.
One can get more information about each Vulnerability by clicking on the numbers, which in turn opens a detailed overview.
Company Level
If the Application is Active or Suppressed on a Remediation plan, those vulnerabilities related to that Application will be shown under either Active or Suppressed status respectively.
As in the image depicted below, click on the Severity ( Critical, High, Medium, or Low) count, and it will take you to the vulnerability by OS page for that severity.
By default Active Vulnerabilities are shown.
The suppressed vulnerabilities will be shown under Suppressed category.
Select any of the products and click the vulnerability count to know more details. On the selection basis, Vulnerabilities are shown.
Using the search bar, it is possible to choose the particular Vulnerability that can be searched by giving Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures(CVE) Id.
Click on the CVEID to get the information specific about that asset.
Click on the link to view the Affected Asset(s).
In the image depicted below, click on Affected Assets to get the information of affected assets.
Click on the link to view the Affected Asset(s).
When you click on the link, the page will be redirected to the asset page to get a detailed description of the Affected Asset.
Global Level
If the Application is Active or Suppressed on a Remediation plan, those vulnerabilities related to that Application will be shown under either Active or Suppressed status respectively.
As in the image depicted below, click on any of the Severity ( Critical, High, Medium, or Low) counts, and it will take you to the vulnerability by OS page for that severity. By default Active Vulnerabilities are shown.
The suppressed vulnerabilities will be shown under Suppressed category.
Select any of the products and click the vulnerability count to know more details. On the selection basis, Vulnerabilities are shown.
Using the search bar, it is possible to choose the particular Vulnerability that can be searched by giving Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures(CVE) Id.
Click on the CVEID and Affected Assets to get the information on that asset.
Click on the link to view the Affected Asset(s).
Click on the link to view the Affected Asset(s).
When you click on the link, the page will be redirected to the asset page to get a detailed description of the Affected Asset.
This completes the Vulnerabilities.