Report Customization & Whitelabeling

CyberCNS provides the ability to customise your reports. These can be saved as “templates” in the CyberCNS.

  • Navigate to Global View> Report Customization.

  • There are four options available in Report Customisation. These are Standard Report References, Manage Logo, Report Builder Reference Documents, and General Customization.

  • Download the Report as per Requirement from the Standard Report References.

E.g CIS_8 0 Compliance Standard Template for Editing:

The highlighted text Color, Font style and Font size can be changed as per the requirement. The remaining things are mandatory and can’t be changed.

The table format can be changed as shown below.

To make it understandable, starting each piece of content is marked Green in colour and ending the content with Red colour. As highlighted in the below screenshot. Once it is done, upload it in Standard Report References.

Adding section to the default report template is not possible. But Removing only a particular section(table column/row, graphs) is possible.

List of Variables for Report Customization Standard Report - Customization

Standard Report References

  • This section helps you to change the look and feel of default report templates used in CyberCNS Standard Reports.

  • In Standard Report References we have provided Compliance Reports, Assessment Reports, Remediation Plan Reports, Vulnerability Reports, Asset Reports, Company Security Posture, Active Directory, Firewall Reports, and Others.

  • As shown in the image below, using the Action column, select the Download default Template option to download the template. Make changes as required in the template and make it ready.

  • In the depicted below image, using the Action column, select the Upload Template option to upload the changed template to be used into CyberCNS.

  • Only PPTX Templates can be merged, DOCX Templates can’t be merged.

  • Select an option to upload the report template and choose the file to be uploaded.

  • Click on Upload to upload the report template.

  • Once the report template is uploaded successfully, will get a notification as the Template is added successfully. Please verify by downloading the report in the Standard Report Section.

  • When the report template is uploaded, the uploaded file will show in (), updated time will be displayed and a download option () is available to download the file.

  • The uploaded template can be downloaded using the Download default Template option.

  • In case required to reset the report template to the default template, it can be reset using the Reset option available under Action.

  • The above process can be applied to any of the reports listed under Standard Report References.

Manage Logo

  • This section helps you to choose a logo for an individual company added to CyberCNS. This logo once uploaded here will be used across all Standard Reports for that company.

Upload Company Logo

  • Select Upload Company Logo to upload a company logo.

  • Choose an image from any of the files, select the image, and click on upload.

  • When the image is uploaded, a pop-up Successfully updated is displayed.

View Company Logo

  • Once the image is uploaded, click on View Company Logo to view the company logo image.

  • In the image depicted below, you can view the uploaded company logo image.

  • Either remove the image or keep the image as required.

  • If the Remove logo is selected, a Confirmation dialog of either click on 'Yes' or ‘No’ is displayed to choose from.

Delete Company Logo

  • When required to delete a company logo, choose the Delete Company Logo option.

  • For confirmation to delete, choose Yes or No to delete a company logo.

Report Builder Reference Documents

  • Every Company under CyberCNS will have a default Report Builder Reference Document. In case of the user-defined document is to be used, please upload a new reference document here as a new reference.

Download Reference Document

  • As shown in the below image, it is possible to download a default reference document and this document can be edited with different templates editor as required.

Upload Reference Document

  • As shown below, upload a Reference document after an edited document is ready.

  • Select the report reference document to be uploaded. Once the file is selected, click on Upload to upload a document.

Delete Reference Document

  • Delete Reference Document, choose if required to delete a reference document that is already existing.

  • In the image depicted below, can choose to confirm either Yes or No to delete a document.

General Customisation

  • These are generic customizations meant for setting Colors, Watermark, File extension, and Xlsx font size.

  • To add General Customisation click on +Add.

  • Customizations as chosen in the format given below.

  • Choose a company, and enter the Watermark and Filename Extension.

  • In DOCX customization select the color for different graphs as requested.

  • In XLSX Customisation select the colors & text size required. In case BOLD text is required, enable XLSX Header Text Bold and XLSX Data Text Bold.

  • Click on save to generate the General Customisation.

  • In case, Set as Global is chosen, enter the Watermark and File Name extension fields.

  • In DOCX customization select the color required for different graphs.

  • In XLSX Customisation select the colors & text size required and in case BOLD text is required, enable XLSX Header Text Bold and XLSX Data Text Bold.

  • Click on save to generate the General Customisation.

  • Here even if the report is empty, it can be generated by enabling the option Generate Report, even if empty and click on Save to generate the General Customisation

  • In the below image, the General Customisations list can be seen with the details such as Company Name, Xlsx Header Text Bold, Xlsx Header Text Bold, Xlsx Data Text Size, and Xlsx Data Text Bold.

  • There is an option to Edit and Delete the General Customisation using the Action column. Any Customisation can be edited or deleted if needed.

  • This completes the documentation of Report Customisation.