How To: Uninstall ConnectSecure Scan Agent
This document will cover how to uninstall the ConnectSecure Vulnerability Scan Agent, otherwise known as the CyberCNS agent.
Method 1 - Uninstall from Web Portal
Login to the ConnectSecure portal (
Select Global or Company
Tap on the Assets > Assets menu, then choose your Probe or Lightweight Agent option
Tap the three-dot action menu and choose Uninstall
The agent must be online in order to get the uninstall command succesfuly
Method 2 - Uninstall from Add/Remove Programs (Windows OS only)
Access the Add/Remove Programs from Windows Settings > Installed Apps
Locate the program called ‘ConnectSecure Vulnerability Scan Agent’ and tap to uninstall
Method 3 - Uninstall from Command Prompt or CLI
Open the command prompt as administrator
Navigate to the installed agent directory; by default we install to C:\ProgramFiles(X86)\CyberCNSAgent
Execute the ./cybercnsagent.exe -r command
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberCNSAgent"
cybercnsagent.exe -r
This should completely remove the application and all services.
Open the terminal as sudo
>> cd /opt/CyberCNSAgent/
>> ./cybercnsagent_darwin -r
To stop/unload the service in the mac asset
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.CyberCNSAgent.AgentService.plist
To remove the service from the mac asset
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.CyberCNSAgent.AgentService.plist
Looking for V2 Agent Information; check the page below
Uninstallation Steps for Linux (Probe & LightWeightAgent)
Browse to the CyberCNSAgent installation directory
>>cd /opt/CyberCNSAgent/
Run the uninstall command
Delete cybercnsagent service(s)
Run the commands below if the service(s) are not removed during the method(s) listed above.
sc delete [service name]
sc delete cybercnsagent
sc delete cybercnsagentmonitor
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