How To: Install ConnectSecure Agent MSI via GPO

How To: Install ConnectSecure Agent MSI via GPO

Creating Shared Folder and Storing MSI

  • Create a folder called ‘connectsecure’ in a location of your choice to store the ‘cybercnsagent.msi' download and related files.

  • Download the MSI agent installer from the Company > Agents level and copy the MSI to your install folder for GPO use.

  • Download the install_ccns.bat file (below), update the Company ID, Tenant ID, and User Secret as shown above, and place it into your GPO install directory.

< ----- download the file here!

NOTE: You must update the values in the install_ccns.bat file with your values.

Company ID, Tenant ID, User Secret, and UNC Path as highlighted here:


Here is where you should be at this point. A ‘connectsecure’ folder with the two files stored as shown below, with the edits completed to have the correct company agent installation information.

  • Share the "connectsecure" folder with the network by following these steps:

    • Right-click on the "connectsecure" folder and select "Properties."

  • Go to the "Sharing" tab and click "Advanced Sharing."

  • Check the box for "Share this folder" and set the share name as "connectsecure" (for example).

  • Click "Permissions" and add "Everyone" with Read/Write permissions.

Then choose Apply and OK

Configure Group Policy

  • Open the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC).

  • Select the domain in which you want to create a new Group Policy Object (GPO).

  • Right-click on the domain and choose "Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here..."

  • Name the new GPO, for example, "Deploy CCNS Agent Through GPO.

  • Right-click on the newly created GPO and select "Edit."

  • In the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to "Computer Configuration" > "Policies" > "Windows Settings" > "Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)."

  • Double-click on "Startup" in the right pane.


  • Click on "Add" to add a new startup script.

  • Select the "install_ccns.bat" script from your shared folder created in the steps above.

Click "OK" to add the script.

  • Close the Group Policy Management Editor.

Apply the GPO

  • In the Group Policy Management Console, right-click on the Organisational Unit (OU) where you want to deploy the CyberCNS Agent.

  • Select "Link an Existing GPO" and choose the "Deploy CCNS Agent Through GPO" GPO.

Deployment Process

  • Group Policy will now deploy the CyberCNS Agent MSI and execute the "install_ccns.bat" script during computer startup.

  • The script will install the agent silently with the specified parameters.