This is a screen that displays all the Monitors and their status
From the home screen click on Monitors. You will be able to see the list of sites, monitors host, port details, Type (like ports, IPcamera, X310 etc), Intervals (frequency at which we are monitoring in seconds). monitor Status green(up), red (down), Messages for Monitor down and also the last checked date and time.
Add Monitor:
Click on icon to add Monitors. Enter the Monitor details which includes
Monitor Type: X310, IP Camera, Windows.(Select the option from drop down).
Authentication Type: Basic authentication, Digital authentication, SNMP V1, SNMP V2, SNMP V3 or Windows auth (Select the option from drop down).
User name
Name: Cam 1, Cam2 etc
Port: Port details
Frequency: Frequency can be selected from drop down
Edit Monitor:
From the action field select Edit option to edit the Monitor details.
Make the necessary changes and click on save to update the changes.
Delete Monitor:
From the action field select Delete option to delete the Monitor details.
There also Export to Excel option is given to export the monitor details.