Plan and Billing

Plan and Billing

You can find this module at the Global level only.

The plan and billing screen is designed to clarify what you are paying for and how it’s distributed across the companies and assets in the portal. You will see which of the billing tiers you are currently in and what the total spend is.

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Table of Contents

Plan and Billing - Details

Access the Plan and Billing from the Settings category.


Current Plan

The plan you are currently under will be indicated with the green checkmark in the corner.

Billing Summary

The billing summary will display the current count of Active Assets and the maximum count of assets for the current billing period. Note that these numbers may not always be in alignment. The system will automatically capture and use the maximum asset count for the billing period.

Billing Statistics

The billing statistics display a breakdown by company and assets to show you exactly where your assets are coming from and how they affect your total spending on billing.

Search or download the table data.

Plan and Billing - Toolbar Options


View our timeline style of System Events captured for each company. You can set an optional date filter range to target a specific date range of events.


Tap here to view your V4 Getting Started Info.


Help Link


Click to access the related documentation page; this link is functional on all screens and will take you to the appropriate documentation page.

Layout Settings

Here, you can change the UI look and feel using various options, including the Theme for color, the Scheme for dark and light mode, the Layout for toolbar and module positions, and the toggle to set the table view default.

I prefer the Teal color, Light mode, and Classic layout with an asset table view.

Get Support

Our support team is here to help. Use one of three options to start a support request.

  1. Email to support@connectsecure.com

  2. Login to our Freshdesk partner portal at https://cybercns.freshdesk.com