V4 Offboarding

V4 Offboarding

Please consider these steps to delete all data from the V4 portal permanently.

>> Download or Export Report Data

Before deleting the portal, consider which report data you want to save. You can download information using the Global or Company Standard Reports. Additionally, the report scheduler can automatically email all the reports and formats you want. Several screens in the UI also provide an export option for data extraction.

>> Remove Configured Integrations

Review the Global Integrations to eliminate unneeded API authorizations, tokens, members, etc. This might impact other tools or notifications/workflows, so consult with your other team(s) where relevant. Any active integration will display a green check mark as illustrated here:


>> Uninstall Agents

You can remove agents from the Global or Company level agents menu as illustrated below. Scripted methods or RMM tools may be considered for uninstallation, depending on your specific circumstances.


Check out the command line options here:

Agent Command Line Options | Commands Scanning and Maintenance

>> Delete Company

Use the Companies module to delete a company from the portal.

Tap the three-dot Action menu for a single company delete option.

Or, use the check box to see Global Actions.

This will delete the company from the portal permanently

>> Notify ConnectSecure Billing Contact

Kindly email support@connectsecure.com to inform our team(s) that you have discontinued using the service so we can properly shut down the services.