V3 Offboarding

The below process will permanently delete all data from the portal.

  1. Please download OR schedule all the neccessary reports from the portal and ensure that no other data is required from the portal.

  2. Remove all configured Integrations. To do this, go to the Global > Settings/Integration menu and tap on the tiles where you see the green check mark.

  1. Uninstall the agent(s). You can do so from the Global > Probes/Agents menu by selecting and using the Global Actions button and tapping Uninstall.

Agent must be online to be successfully uninstalled with our command


You can also do a single probe/agent using the three-dot Action menu.

Refer to this table for guides on uninstalling agents.





Windows Uninstallation

Mac Uninstallation

Linux Uninstallation

  1. Delete the company from the portal. To do so, select the company, tap the Overview option, and choose the Delete Company button.

This will delete the company from the portal permanently

  1. Send an email to stop billing. Please copy support@connectsecure.com on the email to your Distributor or whoever you are buying ConnectSecure from.

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