Global Ports
This is your view of all ports across all assets. The numbers you see in the table indicate the count of assets where that port is detected as active/listening; click on the value to see the asset details.
Global Ports - Table of Contents
Global Ports - Overview
What is a port?
A port is a number used to identify a specific process or service on a device within a network. It enables different applications and services to operate simultaneously on a single device, with each using a unique port number. Ports are part of the addressing information used to route data to the appropriate application or service running on a computer. The Internet Protocol (IP) uses port numbers to differentiate between different services, ensuring that data is delivered to the correct destination application.
Here is a link to the port listings from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
See an overview of port status data across all companies.
You can move, add, and change your columns in the selector option from the top-right.
Global Ports - Details
Ports are being scanned to determine their status and the number of assets associated with each port. Below is a table listing the ports being checked and some general metrics.
Label | Port | General Description / Use Case |
Company Name |
| Displays the company name. |
| Displays the count of insecure asset ports. |
| Displays the count of port vulnerabilites. |
| Displays the count of all other ports not listed. |
FTP | 21 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘File Transfer Protocol.' |
HTTP | 80, 8080 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Hyper Text Transfer Protocol’ |
HTTPS | 443 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure' |
IMAP | 993 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Internet Message Access Protocol’ |
LDAP | 636 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Lightweight Directory Access Protocol’ |
MONGODB | 27017-27020 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘MongoDatabase’ |
MSSQL | 1433 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Microsoft SQL Server’ |
MYSQL | 3306 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘MySQL Database Engine’ |
NETBIOS | 137 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Network Basic Input/Output System’ |
POP3 | 110 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Post Office Protocol’ |
POSTGRES | 5432 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘PostgreSQL’ |
RDP | 3389 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Remote Desktop Protocol’ |
RTSP | 554 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Real Time Streaming Protocol’ |
SFTP | 22 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Secure File Transfer Protocol’ |
SIP | 5060 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Session Initiation Protocol’ |
SMB_CIFS | 139, 445 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Server Message Block_Common Internet File System’ |
SMTP | 587 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Simple Mail Transfer Protocol’ |
TELNET | 23 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Telnet’ |
VNC | 5900 | Displays the count of assets with open port status for ‘Virtual Network Computing’ |
Global Ports - Action Toolbar Actions
The standard Jobs and Alerts can only be accessed from the side navigation toolbar actions.
Tap to view the firewall scan jobs history.
Tap to view the System Events in the timeline style.
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