July 2024

Release Date

Jul 1, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Agent 4.3.38

  • Updated a Fix for replication process, to retry agent installation in case where the cybercnsagent service is present and the CyberCNSAgent V4 folder is missing.

  • Optimised LWA assets API to decrease the server load.

  • Optimised agent jobs.

  • Added Fix to check agent service when NTFS permissions data not found.

  • Optimised Active Directory scan data.

  • Updated Fix for agent status in case of agent restart.

  • Optimised probe agent scan for Roaming Profile.

Release Date

Jul 2, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Partner Concern:

  • Added an ability to save credentials with API key for ServiceNow Integration.

  • Updated replication process ( from V3 to V4) to replicate the Event Sets, Integration profile and Company mapping under Integrations View.

Release Date

Jul 9, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Added New Vulnerability View

  • Added new Vulnerability by OS View under Vulnerabilities section.

Added Time Zone settings for Company

  • Added ability to Set Time Zone under Company Settings.

Added a new filter under Application Vulnerabilities View

  • Added ability to Filter by OS and Filter by Software in the Application Vulnerabilities View under Vulnerabilities section.

Added a Column Encrypt for Report Scheduler

  • Added Encrypt column field under Report Scheduler table view to indicate if the password is set for the received scheduler report files.

Partner Concerns:

  • Added Bulk option to manually deprecate agents under Global Actions button in the Agents View.

  • Added to indicate as Credentials is not available for scan for Probe assets under Assets detail View.

  • Added ability to download docx report for External Scan Results data under the External Scan Results section.

  • Modified Tags selection option under Scheduler.

Release Date

Jul 10, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Agent 4.3.39 Released

  • Modified agent scan data posting process for LWA and Probe.

  • Optimised Scan Job scheduler process to skip scan if already a scan job is running.

  • Added a check to prevent false reporting of active assets data in case of subnet scan.

  • Updated Fix in agent monitor to prevent agent offline issue.

  • Optimised agent upgrade frequency to retry upgrade for every 30 mins, if it fails at the first upgrade.

  • Enhanced error handling for NTFS permissions.

  • Added to Validate Credentials with the Full Scan for Probe agent.

  • Optimised Active Directory scan for Probe agent.

  • Updated Fix for PII Scan scheduler.

Added new PII Scan Dashboard

  • Added new PII Scan Dashboard under Company Level View.

Added New Dashboards for Company

  • Added new Remediation Summary by EPSS score Dashboard under Company Level View.

  • Added new Active Directory Password Policy Dashboard under Company Level View.

  • Added new Patch Management Dashboard under Company Level View.

Release Date

Jul 12, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Added an ability to perform One Time Scan

  • Added the ability to perform a one-time scan on an individual machine

Added an ability to download standard reports with filter application

  • Added ability to download reports with Filter conditions applied under Standard Reports View at the Company Level.

Release Date

Jul 13, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Agent 4.3.40 released

  • Updated Fix for self asset scan for probe agent

Release Date

Jul 16, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Azure Active Directory changed to Microsoft Entra ID

  • The Azure Active Directory Integration is now changed to Microsoft Entra ID

Added an ability to run remote agent install for individual assets

  • Added ability to run Remote Agent Install scan for individual asset under Assets View.

Release Date

Jul 17, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Added option to set Favourite Redirect Page

  • Added an option to add Favourite Redirect pageView at Company and Global Level.

Release Date

Jul 18, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Added new “OS by Assets” Dashboard

  • Added new “OS by Assets” Dashboard under Company Level.

Partner Concerns:

  • Added report API’s under Swagger API Documentation.

  • The Network Vulnerabilities table is now split into Unconfirmed and Confirmed Network Vulnerabilities under Network Vulnerability Dashboard.

Release Date

Jul 22, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Added ability to view Audit Logs

  • Added ability to view all the user audits under Audit Logs section in the Global Settings View.

Partner Concerns:

  • Updated Fix for External Scan profile name under External Scan Reports.

  • Added Vulnerability Title and Severity under Network Scan Findings View.

  • Updated Fix to show the firewall assets under All Assets View as well.

  • Updated Fix to edit Default Scan scheduler.

  • Updated Fix for Tags filter.

Release Date

Jul 25, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Agent 4.3.41 Released

  • Updated Fix for SNMP V1/V3 credentials scan process.

  • Released support for ARM 32 bit agent.

  • Optimised Active Directory scan to fetch granular password policy accurately.

  • Updated Fix for members of AD domain users and AD Enabled/Disabled Computers.

  • Updated Fix to accurately categorise the Other assets data.

  • Optimised Probe subnet scan.

  • Updated Fix for Scan Job Termination.

  • Upgraded PII scan for improved functionality and modified the scan process to not run in parallel to the Network scan.

  • Updated Fix for agent when compliance scan is not selected while reset asset configuration.

Release Date

Jul 28, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

ConnectWise Configuration Update

  • Modified ConnectWise Configurations to map the configuration types from the ConnectWise integration and can help add questions to the configuration

Release Date

Jul 29, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

ARM 32 bit agent update

  • Updated support for ARM 32 bit agent.

Release Date

Jul 31, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

Scheduler updated with Hours option

Added a new option to choose Hours under End time so that the Patch scheduler would continue to run for the specified number of hours.

Partner Concerns:

  • Modified Risk Score by Asset PDF report.

  • Updated Fix for Company Logo in docx format report.