January 2024

Release Date

Jan 23, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details


  • Ability to download reports from Standard Reports under Reports section section.

  • Ability to Create your own Report with the Report Builder option under Reports section.

Web Installer

  • Added Web Installer for Windows Agent under Overview - Agents section.

Enable/Disable V4 agent

  • Added enable or disable V4 agent/s from V3 portal under Probe/Agents section.

Vulnerabilities View

  • Added Vulnerabilities, Application Vulnerabilities and Network Scan Findings View under Vulnerabilities section at both Global and Company level.

Identity Provider

  • Added an ability to setup Identity Provider to the portal, assign role to that user and the users can login using External Authentication option at the time of login.

Bug Fixes

  • Active Directory Summary data and Active Directory Problem count issue Fix.

  • Asset details page table error and data Fix.

  • Application Baseline Rule results data and Rules table view issue Fix.

  • HaloPSA Integration Company mapping search issue Fix.

  • Cloud Radial Reports integration archive data issue for associated destination company issue Fix.

  • Optimised Dashboards data Fix.

Release Date

Jan 26, 2024

Release Agent Version


Release Type

Backend & UI

Release Details

ConnectSecure Agent Release - 4.3.14

  • Added Enable Remote Install Agent option under settings to install Lightweight agent to the probe discovered assets

  • Added an ability to Activate/Deactivate AD audit scan

  • Added an ability to customise Self Scan time for Lightweight agents.

  • Fix updated for Security Report Card for Windows, Linux and MAC.

  • Optimised Memory usage.