Company Pending OS Patches

Company Pending OS Patches



Company Pending OS Patches - Table of Contents

Company Pending OS Patches - Overview

At the company level, this is your view of Assets missing any Operating System patches (security updates). This includes the OS Name, OS Version, Microsoft KB, and Assets affected.

Tap on Microsoft KB to be redirected to the Microsoft Support Article

Tap on number of Assets to see the count

Company Pending OS Patches - Details





OS Name

Displays the operating system name

OS Version

Displays the operating system version

Microsoft KB

Displays a hyperlink to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article


Disaplsy a hyperlink count to the number of Assets affected

You can filter out any patches released before a certain number of days by setting the value.

Company Pending OS Patches - Side Navigation Toolbar Overview

The standard Jobs and Alerts are available from the side bar.

Company Pending OS Patches - Side Navigation Toolbar Actions


Tap to view historical data on Scan Job(s), which includes the Created Date-Time Stamp, Scan Type, Agent Name, Job Status, and Description.


Tap to view the System Events, timeline-style Alerts.

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