Company All Assets

What are Company Assets?

All the systems, network components, including servers, workstations, routers, switches, access points, IoT devices, and the software and services they run. Assets are identified by the probe scanning agent or any asset directly installed with the lightweight agent.

Some assets will be identified but will not support a vulnerability scan; these assets will be found under Other Assets module. These are IP-based assets discovered by the probe but are not covered for scanning.


Company Assets - Table of Contents

Company Assets - Overview

You can view your assets in the two-panel style, tap through the list, and view the asset details in the windows.

Toggle the Table View option to view the assets in a table-style view.

View and organize selected company assets in the multiline screen. Sort columns by clicking headers, filtering them, or rearranging/hiding them using the toolbar.

The data includes the assets' Status, IP, Host Name, Risk Score, Security Grade, Importance, Agent Type, vulnerability by Severity, CISA and EPSS>95% vulnerability, Discovered Time, last-scanned time, Asset ID, and Tag information.

Tap on the IP Address of the Asset to see the Asset Details page

To return to the two-panel view, click the x in the corner.

Add Asset

Tap to add a new Asset manually.

Sort Assets

Tap the sorting options, including your choice of Fields and Order.

Filter Assets

Tap to use our built-in field selections to filter the assets.

IE: Using Security Grade to find all the 'F” machines:

Filter by Tags

Tap to start a filter by Tags; search for your active tags in the list and select them. Depending on your scenario, you can use the Include or Exclude tag filtering as shown below.

Tap Submit to use the view.


Tap to Refresh the table/asset data

Download Data

Tap to download the Assets data into CSV

Company Assets - Details

Column Label

Description / Use Case

Column Label

Description / Use Case


Displays the online/offline status of the asset.

Host Name

Displays the hostname of the asset; tap on the host name to copy the hostname directly to your clipboard for easy pasting.


Displays the asset importance: Critical, High, Medium, or Low


Displays the local IP address of the asset; click on it to see asset details.

Risk Score

Tap on the Risk Score to see a detailed breakdown of the risk score calculation.

Security Grade

Displays the given Security Grade of the asset.


Displays the count of total vulnerabilities for the asset.

CISA Vulnerabilities

Displays the count of CISA vulnerabilities for the asset.

EPSS > 95 Vulnerabilities

Displays the count of vulnerabilities with an EPSS Score greater than 95%.


Displays the count of vulnerabilities by Critical severity.


Displays the count of vulnerabilities by High severity.


Displays the count of vulnerabilities by Medium severity.


Displays the count of vulnerabilities by Low severity.

Discovered Time

Displays the date and time stamp when the asset was discovered.

Last Scanned Time

Displays the date and time stamp when the asset was last scanned.

Asset ID

Displays the asset ID issued by the ConnectSecure database.

Discovered Using

Displays the method by which the asset was discovered.

Auto Tags

Displays tags added automatically to the asset.

Manual Tags

Displays tags added manually to the asset.

Company Assets - Action Toolbar Overview

Company Assets - Action Toolbar Details

Integration Action

Remediation Ticket

This option can only be used from the Asset > Solutions section, where you can tap and choose the Remediation Ticket to see a menu of your integration options.

  1. Select the asset and view the details page

  2. Click on the Solutions section

  3. Select a record

  4. Tap the Integration Ticket menu

  5. Tap the Remediation Ticket option

Asset Ticket

This option can only be used from the Asset > Solutions section, where you can tap and choose the Remediation Action to see a menu of your integration options.

You can choose from a configured integration; in this example, I am using the ConnectWise PSA integration to Create a Ticket.

Ticket created in Manage:


Tap to view Scan Job(s) historical data.


Set a date range to view the System Events and asset timeline.


Tap to view the Getting Started wizard; see the link below for additional information.

Help Link

Tap to view the corresponding Company Problems KB.

Need Support?

Contact our support team by sending an email to or by visiting our Partner Portal, where you can create, view, and manage your tickets.