PSA: SyncroMSP

PSA: SyncroMSP


Scan results are sent as tickets to SyncroMSP, with options for Company syncing to inform teams of scan alerts/results.

The SyncroMSP integration has 2 main integration points.

  1. Company Syncing - keep your companies synced between ConnectSecure and SyncroMSP. You can import directly from SyncroMSP or map an existing ConnectSecure company to a SyncroMSP company. This ensures any alerts/tickets raised are going to the correct company. This does not require that you or Create Ticket options.

  2. Create Ticket - enable ticketing integration using your defined Event Set and Integration Profile settings. This is optional and is not required to use Company Syncing options.

Getting Started

Navigate to Global > Settings/Integration > tap the SyncroMSP Tile.




Complete the required fields and tap Update to continue:

Name: Give the integration creds a name of your choice.

Domain: Enter the SyncroMSP domain name. (Example: sample.syncromsp.com)

API Key: Enter the API key from SyncroMSP; see below for the API Permissions needed.


Associated Company: Leave blank to use for all companies.

Event Set

Refer to our Event Set KB for info: https://cybercns.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UYCugg

Integration Rules

Here, you define how the ticket is created in SyncroMSP and which parameters are applied to the ticket upon creation. Complete all required fields and tap Save to continue.


Red highlight cell indicates a Required field

Required Fields Indicated


Description / General Use


Description / General Use


Set the name of the Integration Profile. We recommended separating them based on the ‘Priority’ of the ticket so you have a profile for your P1 vs P2 vs P3 tickets and so on.

Status for Ticket Creation

Select the Open Status based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Status for Ticket Closing

Select the Closed Status based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Priority ID

Select the Priority ID based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Problem Type

Select the Problem Type based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Tech User

Select the Tech User based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Ticket Type (optional)

Select the Ticket Type based on your SyncroMSP configured options.

Event Set

Select the associated Event Set from ConnectSecure. This is the association the Event Set uses when creating tickets.

Company Mapping

This is where you manage your company mappings between SyncroMSP and ConnectSecure; you can import them directly from SyncroMSP or map existing ConnectSecure companies to SyncroMSP companies using the Add button. These mappings also include what Event Set and Integration Profile settings apply to the company when using the Create Ticket option.


Upon saving, the Selected Companies section appears with your mapping selection(s). You can use the three-dot action menu to Edit or Delete the company mapping and settings.


Create Ticket = This will enable automatic ticket creation for the selected company based on the mapped Event Set and Integration Profile settings. Enable Configuration is not required or linked to this.

Need Support?

Contact our support team by sending an email to support@connectsecure.com or by visiting our Partner Portal, where you can create, view, and manage your tickets.



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