Dashboard Manual
Use this article as a guideline to understand the critical aspects of your companies vulnerabilities, Risk factors, Compliances …
Dashboard reports are generated once the Agent is installed and the Vulnerability scan is run. This application will allow generating company-wise reports as well as consolidated reports.
Click on the Dashboard → In the search dropdown select either a specific company or All for consolidated data of all available companies.
Here, we have selected All in the search dropdown for better illustration. Once Clicked, Page with Vulnerability Overview can be viewed. This section has 7 exclusive data dashboards such as Vulnerability Overview, Host Tables, Vulnerability Table, Compliance Overview, Reports Table, Executive Summary and Overview, with different analytical combinations, which helps management to make better decisions.
Will define each sections starting with
Vulnerability Overview
Towards the left corner, consolidated data pertaining to all companies are analyzed and classified under Critical, High, Medium and Low-Risk Vulnerabilities.
The pie chart represents the Top 10 Host level Vulnerabilities and the % pertaining to each IP address
Pie-chart towards the left-hand side represents the % wise Critical, High, Medium and Low-risk Vulnerabilities that are displayed in the top left corner.
Right Graphical represents the Top Vulnerability risk score with % of Risk
In this graphical representation, Top 10 OS Level Vulnerabilities for all the active OS that was scanned and identified during initial Vulnerabilities Scan can be viewed.
Left side data represents IP wise Vulnerabilities with %.
In the right Graphical representation, Will find the consolidated % of all the available companies and bifurcated into Critical and safe zone.
Host Tables
This Host table specifies the Vulnerabilities count in ascending order for each IP address that has been discovered during the initial Vulnerability scan.
This section specifies the top Critical host discovered among all the active devices discovered during the scan.
The graphical representation is the data of the same data that is been populated in the left.
Vulnerability Table
This table defines each Vulnerability with Severity, Base score, Product specifications related to that vulnerability, and the total no of IP in each defined Vulnerability.
Compliance Overview
This gives an overall Compliance with pertaining to Fail Risk, Error Compliance, Closed and Open Compliance.
Left has numbers specifies Fail Risk, Error Compliance, Closed and Open Compliance of all the discovered devices during the Vulnerability Scan.
Graphs show the Top 10 host-level compliance of the active devices that were scanned. and the top OS Level Compliance for all the OS that was discovered.
This graph represents the compliance of all discovered OS in the Company with the % of the compliance.
Note: Higher the compliance safer your systems are.
The pie chart shows the Compliance and non-compliance % of the consolidated devices.
The Graph represents % Compliance score.
The bar graph represents IP/Host wise Compliance % data.
Report Table
In this section, will be able to download company-wise, specified reports and can incorporate Company Lodo and Name is each printable report. This report tables can be customizable bases on customer requirements.
AD Dashboard
This set of reports are specific to Clients with AD configuration and opted for this. To access these sets of reports, Please follow the following guidelines.
Click on Company → Click on the company hyperlink for which AD reports need to be viewed.
Once the company hyperlink gets open, Will be able to see the above the dashboard
As viewed, This section has been bifurcated into 3 sections, Company Overview, Active Directory Audit, and SIEM.
Company Overview related dashboards and reports remain similar as mentioned and specified previously in the same document.
Active Directory Audit
In the AD Audit section, you have 7 sections of specific reports and dashboards that include ADFS Auditing, Computer Management, User Management, Last Logon User, Last Logon computer, User Logon Reports, Locked-Unlocked Details.
ADFS Auditing
Recently Created Computers
<< No Data Available >>
Computer Management
Recently Created Computers
<<No Data Available>>
Recently Enabled Computers
Can view all recently enabled Computers,
This can a vital report for admin to manage the active systems in the AD.
Recently Disabled Computers
Can View all recent Disabled Computers in the Company, This is a critical report for Audit purpose as well helps Admin to manage the Computers as per the business guidelines.
Recently Undeleted Computers
<<No Data Available >>
Recently Deleted Computers
<<No Data Available >>
Recently Modified Computers
<<No Data Available >>
User Management
As the name describes, Will be able to view all the User related issues in this section
Change Password
The table on the Left-hand specifies the data related to the change password. This also specifies if it was Successful or Failed Password change
The Graphical representation specifies the Successful and Failed Password change %
Reset Password
The data table towards the left specifies the IP addresses for which password was resent and the number of times it was resent with the time stamp.
The graphical representation specifies the % reset password success ratio
Password Never Expire
Every computer should have a password expiry date based on the Company Business rules. This report specifies if any computer doesn't have the same. This helps Admin to manage as per company norms.
Modified User Account
This report specifies the details pertaining to modifications done to each system with time stamp, number of times it was modified and other critical details.
Last Logon User
This section specifies the User-based details pertaining to Total User count, Active and Inactive count.
Active users not logged on
This report specifies active users that were not logged on in recent times with the time stamp
Inactive users not Logged on
This report specifies the last logged in details of the inactive details. This is one of the critical Audit reports which helps Admin to manage trespass into the system.
Last login Status
This graph represents the status of the Last Login.
Last Logon Computer
This section specifies the Computer-based details pertaining to Total User count, Active and Inactive count.
Active Computers not logged on
This report specifies active Computers that were not logged on in recent times with the time stamp
Inactive Computers not logged on
This report specifies the last logged in details of the inactive computer details. This is one of the critical Audit reports which helps Admin to manage trespass into the system
Last Logon Computer Status
This graph represents the status of Last Login computers.
User Logon Reports
Failure due to Bad user name
As the name specifies, this table specifies the details of the computers for which login was failed due to bad username, with the failure count
Logon failure based on users
This data table specifies the User count of login failures
Logon failures
This data table specifies the Login failures with the User name, IP address, timestamp, and the Failure count
Failure due to bad password
This data specifies the User details failed due to bad password, It also specifies User Name, IP address, and Count of login Failure.
User logon with expired password
This report specifies the users tried to log in after the password expired, It also specifies User name, IP address and Count of Login Failure.
Interactive Logon Failure
<< No data available>>
Locked - Unlocked Details
Locked Details
Data on the Lefthand shows the Locked Users with the count.
The same data has been graphically represented with the %
Unlocked Details
Data on the Lefthand shows the Unlocked Users with the count.
The same data has been graphically represented with the %