OneLogin SAML
This document covers the setup for OneLogin SAML and Zitadel for ConnectSecure login.
SAML Setup Steps
Login to the Administrative dashboard
Click on the Applications heading and choose Applications
Tap on the ‘Add App’ button in the top right
Search for ‘saml test connector’ and select the SAML Test Connector (IDP) from the list
Add the Display Name and tap Save
Tap on the Configuration menu
You must enter the Audience, Recipient, and ACS URL fields, which you will obtain from Zitadel.
Obtain Zitadel Details (Audience, Reccipeint, and ACS URL)
Login to Zitadel at
You must be an Org Admin in Zitadel to access the Settings mentioned below
Tap on Settings > Identity Providers
Tap on the SAML SP tile
Add the Display Name
Add the metadata (you can get this from the OneLogin dashboard)
Click on the App Name > tap on SSO > copy the Issuer URL and paste in the metadata URL
Choose Binding as SAML_BINDING_POST
Enable the signed request and click Create
Copy the metadata URL to the ZITADEL Metadata as an Audience URL
ZITADEL ACS Login Form as Recipient URL
ACS (Consumer) URL Validator* from [-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z] {2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)
ZITADEL ACS Intent API as an ACS (Consumer) URL*
Tap on the Save in the top right once done.
Lastly, check in the Zitadel portal under Settings > Identity Providers that you have the OneLogin SAML SP set as available.
How To Login
After completing the OneLogin SAML setup, you can use the external auth to log in.
Log in to the ConnectSecure portal (
Enter your Tenant Name
Click on the ‘Use External Authentication’ button
You will be automatically redirected to the credentials page, where you do not need to enter your username and password
Click "Login with an External User" to use your SAML credentials
If you are not logged into the OneLogin portal, you will be prompted to log in for authentication. Once authenticated, you will be automatically redirected to the ConnectSecure portal.
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