Microsoft Azure (OIDC - OpenID Connect)
Microsoft Azure (OIDC - OpenID Connect) - Getting Started
This document covers the identity provider setup for Microsoft Azure and OIDC OpenID Connect.
Microsoft Azure (OIDC - OpenID Connect) - Setup
Login to Azure Portal (
Azure services > select Microsoft Entra ID
Click on App Registrations
Click on New Registration
Name the application
Select 'Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory Only - Single Tenant)
Select Web and add web redirect URL sign-on URLS: {your-domain}/ui/ login/login/externalidp/callback
d. Register
Once the application registered go to API permission > Add API Delegated permissions for email, offline_access, OpenID, profile
Grant admin permission
Copy Client ID
Click on Certificates and Secrets
Create a New Client Secret and copy the value
Copy the highlighted part for the issuer:
Zitadel Configuration
Add a custom login policy
Go to the Settings
Modify your login policy in the menu "Login Behavior and Security."
Enable the attribute "External IDP allowed."
Go to the IDP Providers Overview
Go to the settings page of your instance or organization and choose ‘Identity Providers’
Select Generic OIDC
Name: e.g Azure_open_Id
Issuer: The OpenID Connect metadata document https:// v2.0
Client-ID: add which is copied from the Azure portal
Client secret: add which is copied from the Azure portal
Tenant Type: Configure the tenant type according to what you have chosen in your Azure AD application settings.
Common: Choose common if you want all Microsoft accounts to be able to log in. Configure "Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts" in your Azure AD App.
Organizations: Choose an organization if you have Azure AD Tenants and no personal accounts. (You have configured either "Accounts in this organization" or "Accounts in any organizational directory" on your Azure APP)
Consumers: Choose this if you want to allow public accounts. (In your Azure AD App, you have configured "Personal Microsoft accounts only.")
Tenant ID: If you selected Tenant ID as Tenant Type, you must enter the Directory (Tenant) ID into the Tenant ID field, which was copied previously from the Azure App configuration.
Scopes: (openid, profile, email is preconfigured)
Automatic Creation: If this setting is enabled, the user will be created automatically within ZITADEL if it doesn't exist.
Automatic Update: If this setting is enabled, the user will be updated within ZITADEL if some user data is changed within the provider. For example, if the last name changes on the Azure account, the information will be changed on the ZITADEL account on the next login.
Account creation allowed: This setting determines if account creation within ZITADEL is allowed or not.
Account linking allowed: This setting determines whether account linking is allowed. When logging in with a Microsoft Azure OIDC account, a linkable ZITADEL account must already exist.
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