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You can find this module at the Global and Company levels. |
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||
Solutions - Details
Access the Solutions from the Assets category.
Solutions Default Filters
The table data is filtered by default using the operating system where most data is found, but you can toggle between them using the drop-down.
Sorting the table columns is a great way to bring the ‘biggest offenders’ to the top of the tables. Just click on the column header label to sort ascending and descending.
Remediation Plan
This is one of our users' favorite screens. It displays all discovered vulnerabilities and problems, giving an overview of their scoring, severity, companies, affected assets, and, more importantly, the recommended KB/Fix or solution to fix the identified problem.
You can select between Affected Companies and Assets using the global solutions view. If you are at the company level, you will only see Affected Assets.
Suppression options are available at both Global and Company levels.
Suppression permissions are limited to only users with Admin and/or Approver role(s) selected.
Integration Action
Integration Action options are only available at the company level.
This will create an alert based on your specified criteria.
Patch Now - Patch Later
Patch Now and Patch Later options are only available at the company level.
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Check out our Patch Management Guide here: Patch Management Guide |
Remediated Records
This is your collection of all the remediated problems detected by the scan agent, along with the details linking to the affected assets, dates, tickets, and more.
Tap in the top-right of the table to return to the table data view.
Pending Remediation Velocity
These are open, pending problems that require remediation or suppression still.
Severity filtering is also available.
Remediated Velocity
This is your view on the remediated records. From the global perspective, the data is categorized by company and then by application. The information is organized into time ranges that include 0 to 7 days, 8 to 15 days, 16 to 30 days, and more than 30 days.
Tap any number values in the date range boxes to see the details.
Suppressed Records
Tap here to view approved, suppressed records along with all the details.
Tap on the three-dot Action menu to use the ‘unsuppress’ action.
Solutions - Toolbar Options
View job details.
View our timeline style of System Events captured for each company. You can set an optional date filter range to target a specific date range of events.
Tap here to view your V4 Getting Started Info.
Help Link
Click to access the related documentation page; this link is functional on all screens and will take you to the appropriate documentation page.
Layout Settings
Here, you can change the UI look and feel using various options, including the Theme for color, the Scheme for dark and light mode, the Layout for toolbar and module positions, and the toggle to set the table view default.
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I prefer the Teal color, Light mode, and Classic layout with an asset table view. |
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