NOTE: This only applies if you are signing up for a brand new instance of ConnectSecure using the Free Trial Sign Up page found here:
ConnectSecure V4 - Free Trial Sign Up
Complete all required fields and tap the submit button to create your free trial. This process should take a few minutes, and you will have access to your ConnectSecure tenant immediately.
Getting Started Wizard
Upon successful login to your new ConnectSecure V4 portal, you will be presented with the Getting Started Wizard that walks you through the initial, first login, one-time setup.
You must first choose either the PSA or NON-PSA option; we recommend using the NON-PSA option just to get started so you can complete the wizard; you can then visit the Integrations page to connect your PSA and any other supported vendors later.
PSA = Professional Services Automation
Examples: AutoTask, ConnectWise, Halo, Kaseya, ServiceNow, Sherpadesk, SuperOps, and SyncroMSP
Create Company
Choosing the NON-PSA option means we create the company manually instead of importing the company details from one of the supported PSAs.
Complete the required fields and any optional fields, then tap Save.
Discovery Settings & Credentials
Next, you can configure any Discovery Settings or Credentials used for the company during various scanning types. These settings will be applied against agents to convert them into a probe agent. These are optional at this point and not required to continue.
Please refer to our Discovery Settings and Credentials page here for help configuring these.
If you are not planning to use a probe, tap the Next button at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Deploy Agent
Here, we will prepare to install and deploy the ConnectSecure V4 Agent using our prebuilt PowerShell script for Windows or Terminal command for MacOS.
Here, we will prepare to install and deploy the ConnectSecure V4 Agent. This can be done in three ways.
Microsoft Windows, prebuilt PowerShell script (recommended installation method)
MacOS, Terminal command
Microsoft Windows, direct EXE download (requires command line installation with switches)
We recommend using the PowerShell installation when possible.
Using the Windows PowerShell method, you can click the ‘Copy to clipboard’ button to copy the command and prepare it for pasting into your PowerShell terminal window.
PowerShell must be opened ‘As Administrator’ when running the command.
Click on Start
Type PowerShell
Right-click on Windows PowerShell
Choose ‘Run as administrator’
Then you can paste (Ctrl+V) the copied command into the PowerShell window.
You must click the ENTER key to start the installation and complete it once the agent download is complete.
Once the installation is complete, you can close out the PowerShell window.
Tap the Next button to see the Agent Details.
Agent Details
Your newly installed V4 agent is listed under Probe Agents or LightWeight Agents, depending on if you mapped the required Discovery Settings & Credentials to convert to a probe.
All agents are installed as LightWeight Agents - once you map the required Discovery Settings & Credentials they convert automatically into a Probe Agent.
After you verify your Agent Details, you can tap the Next button to complete the Getting Started Wizard and be automatically redirected to the Company Overview screen.
Please visit our documentation for further details.