Replication of Agents to V4

  • Replicate Online V3 (On-premise OR SaaS) agents to V4 (On Premise or SaaS) manually at your own pace.

  • Tenant Name should be same to initiate replication from V3 to V4.

Replication Resync

  • Replication Resync allows you to sync/resync Companies from V3 to V4 portal. It is available under the main top-right menu.

  • Navigate to the main top-right menu bar and click on Replicate Resync.

  • Click on yes to Replicate/resync all the companies from V3 to V4 portal.


Replicate Agents to V4

Please use the Start Replication function to replicate online V3 agents to V4. If used after the replication is successful, it checks for any changed configuration for the agent and replicates it.

Lightweight agents

  • Navigate to any Company> Probes/Agents section.

  • Choose Lightweight Agents section

  • Select ONLINE agents which are to be replicated to V4.

  • Under Global Actions, select Start Replication.

Probe agents

  • Navigate to any Company> Probes/Agents section.

  • Choose Probe Agents section.

  • Select ONLINE agents which are to be replicated to V4.

  • Under Global Actions, select Start Replication.

ConnectSecure V4 Prerequisites

Here we have Pre requisites for V4.

Enable/Disable V4 Agents

V4 agents can be controlled via V3 portal for now. If you do not want cybercnsagent service to run in for V4 agent, you can disable from here to stop the service.

This ability is available from Company and Global view as well.

  • Navigate to any Company> Probes/Agents Or Global>Probes/Agents section.

  • Choose Probe Agents/Lightweight Agents section.

  • Select ONLINE V4 agents which are to be enabled or disabled.

  • Under Global Actions, select Disable V4 agent . ( This will result in V4 agent service stop)

  • Under Global Actions, select Enable V4 agent . ( This will result in V4 agent service start)

  • Agent’s Replication Status can be seen here as Is Replicated true or false.

  • V4 Agent Status can be verified as Enabled OR Disabled.

Replication Status

You can check the replication to V4 status of the agents from Profile>Replication Status.

Once selected to check the replication status, it showcases Replicated, Pending and Failed replication agents count.

Need Support?

You can contact our support team by emailing or raise a ticket by visiting our Support Portal at

Please let us know your tenant/domain name if you request support assistance.