Company All Assets
This is your company’s view of the selected companies' assets in the portal.
Assets include all installed Lightweight and Probe Agents and any assets discovered by the probe or added manually.
Some assets will be identified but not support a vulnerability scan; these assets will be found under the Other Assets module. The probe discovered IP-based assets that are not covered for scanning and are not counted toward billing.
The default view is shown here:
Company Assets - Table of Contents
- 1 Company Assets - Overview
- 2 Company Assets - Default View Actions
- 2.1 Add Asset
- 2.2 Sort Assets
- 2.3 Filter Assets
- 2.4 Filter by Tags
- 2.5 Refresh
- 2.6 Download Data
- 3 Company Assets - Table View Overview and Details
- 4 Company Assets - Table View Asset Details
- 5 Network Assets - Fingerprint
- 6 Company Assets - Global Actions for Default and Table Views
- 6.1 Asset Timeline
- 6.2 Remove Asset
- 6.3 Deprecate Asset
- 6.4 Scan Now
- 6.5 Update Manual Tags
- 6.6 Update Importance
- 6.7 Delete Manual Tags
- 7 Company Assets - Action Toolbar Overview
- 8 Need Support?
Company Assets - Overview
You can view your assets in the two-panel style, tap through the list, and view the asset details in the windows.
Toggle the Table View option to view the assets in a table-style view.
To return to the two-panel view, click the x in the corner to return from Table View to the default view.
If you prefer the table view, you can set it as your default by accessing the Settings menu from the top right corner and selecting 'Set Asset View' at the bottom, then choosing Table View.
Company Assets - Default View Actions
Add Asset
Tap to add a new Asset manually; this requires a probe agent to be available and associated with the manual asset. The probe will scan the manual asset.
Sort Assets
Tap the sorting options, including your choice of Fields and Order.
Filter Assets
Tap to use our built-in field selections to filter the assets.
IE: Using Security Grade to find all the 'F” machines:
Filter by Tags
Tap to view the Include Filter Tag and Exclude Filter Tag options.
Tap on the search bar to select from your systems' tags.
Tap to Refresh the table/asset data.
Download Data
Tap to download the Assets data into CSV
Company Assets - Table View Overview and Details
Tap the toggle to switch to the Table View.
The table view shows critical vulnerability data, security grade, risk score, user information, and more. The column view and reorder options allow you to set the table view and reorder it.
Column data includes the following options:
Column Label | Description / Use Case |
Status | Displays the online status |
IP | Displays the Asset's IP address |
Host Name | Displays the hostname |
FQDN Name | Displays the fully qualified domain name |
OS Name | Displays the operating system name |
Login User | Displays the last login user name (local or domain) |
Company Name | Displays the Company associated with the Asset |
Risk Score | Displays the Risk Score for the asset; Tap to see the details of the Risk Score calculation or visit the ConnectSecure Scoring StandardsKB |
Max Risk Score | Displays the asset's Max Risk Score, which is determined by calculating the highest possible risk score based on the most severe confirmed vulnerability |
Security Grade | Displays the security grade A-F where A is good and low-risk |
Importance | Displays the selected Importance of the Asset; the user at the asset level defines this; by default, all assets are set to Low unless changed; see ConnectSecure Scoring Standardshow this impacts risk score weightage |
Agent Type | Displays the agent type as Lightweight or Probe |
Manufacturer | Displays the manufacturer |
Vulnerabilities | Displays the total count of all discovered vulnerabilities for all categories |
Critical | Displays the total count of Critical vulnerabilities. |
High | Displays the total count of High vulnerabilities. |
Medium | Displays the total count of Medium vulnerabilities. |
Low | Displays the total count of Low vulnerabilities. |
CISA Vulnerabilities | Displays the total count of CISA-based vulnerabilities; source: |
EPSS >95 Vulnerabiliites | Displays the total count of vulnerabilities with an EPSS score greater than 95%; source: |
Registry Vulnerabilities | Displays the total count of registry-based vulnerabilities. |
Discovered Time | Displays the date/time stamp when the asset was first discovered |
Last Scanned Time | Displays the date/time stamp when the asset was last scanned |
Domain Status | Displays as WorkGroup for non-domain joined, AzureADJoined, or Domain Name as specified by the OU |
Asset ID | Displays the numeric ID assigned and used by the ConnectSecure DB |
Discovered Using | Displays the method the asset was discovered; IE: Lightweight, Probe, SMB |
Auto Tags | Displays the tags associated with the asset added automatically; see Tag Rules xarchivedand Tag Rules (Company)archivedpages |
Manual Tags | Displays the tags associated with the asset added manually; see Tag Rules xarchivedand Tag Rules (Company)archivedpages |
Company Assets - Table View Asset Details
Tap on the IP of any asset to see the asset details.
Asset details are found in the panels, as shown in the screenshots below.
Tab Name | Tab Description |
System | Displays system information like hardware and operating system specs, uptime, and system maintenance details |
Storage | Displays storage discovered with drive letter assignment and capacity status |
Network | Displays the discovered network interfaces: WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, LAN, etc. |
CPU | Displays the CPU model, core, and speed specs |
BIOS | Displays the BIOS details |
Firewall Policy | Displays the local firewall policy; Domain, Public, and Standard Profiles |
Certificates | Displays encryption or cipher certificate information |
Network Assets - Fingerprint
Fingerprint data is there to help to identify the assets further. This includes the following information:
Category | Description |
/ ARP | mac, macDateAdded, macVendor, os.cpe23, source, osGuess, osGuessDetail, and source |
/ DNS | connected status, address, replies, resolvers, rtts, version bind, and protocol |
/ ICMP | duplicate packets status, rtt, typeCode, typeCodeN, flags, frag, id, len, proto, tos, TTL, path.mtu, ping stats, scan duration, and timestamp |
/ MDNS | protocol, ts |
/ NETBIOS | address, mac, macDateAdded, macVendor, protocol, status, and ts |
/ 443 TLS | banner, HTTP body, HTTP code, contentSecurityPolicy, contentType,, head.server, xFrameOptions, message, port, protocol, and tls info |
/ 80 TLS | banner, HTTP body, HTTP code, contentSecurityPolicy, contentType,, head.server, xFrameOptions, message, port, protocol, and tls info |
/ Basic Asset | OsGuess, hostname, mac, manufacturer |
Below that, you will find the next set of pod information that includes:
Tab Name | Tab Description |
Problems | Displays the discovered Problems, which are the vulnerabilities and security check/information categories by the Problem Category groups. Tap on the drop-down to toggle between the groups. |
Solutions | Displays the asset-level Remediation Plan action items; these are the solutions to remediate the problems. |
Compliance | Displays results from any Compliance Scan Type(s) enabled for the selected company and asset. Tap between the Compliant, Manual, and Non-Compliant Tabs for more info. |
Firewall Rules | Displays the local firewall rules for the selected asset. You can toggle between Inbound and Outbound rules. |
Internal Ports | Displays the detected ports with protocol, address, and system info. Tap on the port # to see the reference from |
Software | Displays the detected installed software from the selected asset. You can see the Uninstall Path, Vulnerability Info, and other details. |
Next, you will find the Registry and Driver related vulnerabilities and remediations:
Tap between the tab names to see the table data and details.
Check the three-dot Action menu for available options on each tab/page.
The following pod information contains:
Tab Name | Tab Description |
Ciphers |
Extension Programs | Displays the detected browser extension programs for the selected asset. |
Services | Displays the detected Services with the current status, user account, and path information. |
User Shares | Displays the detected User Shares from the asset; tap between the share names to browse the data. |
Users | Displays the detected User(s) accounts from the asset. |
Security Report Card | Displays the Security Report Card details. This includes checking against detected Insecure Listening Ports, Supported OS, Backup Software, Local Firewall, Network Vuls, Anti Ransomware, System Aging, Failed Login, and Antivirus information. |
Compliance Report Card | Displays the Compliance Report Card details. This includes checking against TLS versions, PowerShell, SMB, LLMNR, NTLMV1, and NBTNS data. |
Finally, the last pod information contains:
Tab Name | Tab Description |
Unquoted Service Path | Displays any detected service with an unquoted service path. |
Installed Patches | Displays the detected installed security patches. Tap on the KB to see the Microsoft Catalog details. |
Tags | Displays any tags associated with the selected asset. Tap the Manage Tags to add/edit/delete the Manual Tags. |
Installed Drivers | Displays the detected installed drivers for the selected asset. |
Running Processes | Displays the detected running system processes for the selected asset. |
Windows 11 Check | Microsoft Windows Assets Only Displays the Windows 11 compatibility check information. |
Company Assets - Global Actions for Default and Table Views
You can access a set of Global Actions from the company All Assets view by selecting assets using the checkbox and then tapping the Global Actions menu or button. This works in both the default and table views, as shown below.
Asset Timeline
Tap to view the selected assets' timeline of system events automatically recorded by the portal.
Remove Asset
Tap here to remove a selected asset (or assets) from the portal. Then, tap Yes to confirm.
Deprecate Asset
Tap here to move an asset to the Deprecated Assets section. A reason is required, then tap the Yes button.
Scan Now
Tap to run a manual lightweight agent scan the selected asset.
Update Manual Tags
Tap to add new Name/Value for a Manual Tag to the selected asset(s).
This will show up under the Manual Tags section of the Asset.
Update Importance
Tap to update the importance of the selected asset(s).
Delete Manual Tags
Tap to delete the associated manual tag(s) to the selected asset(s).
Company Assets - Action Toolbar Overview
Standard Jobs, Alerts, Info, and the Help Link are available.
Tap to view Scan Job(s) historical data.
Set a date range to view the System Events and asset timeline.
Tap to view the Getting Started wizard; see the link below for additional information.
Help Link
Tap to view the corresponding Company Problems KB.
Need Support?
Contact our support team by sending an email to or by visiting our Partner Portal, where you can create, view, and manage your tickets.