Datto RMM - New Interface

Datto RMM - New Interface

CyberCNS can help bulk install agents using Datto RMM across your network. Current integration capabilities help with pushing & installing CyberCNS agents across the organization.

  • Into CyberCNS Portal, Navigate to Global Settings> Integrations.

  • Choose DattoRMM from the listed integrations.


Enter Credentials

Before we start here, Datto user API Key information should be ready to be inputted here.

  1. Enter Name: Choose a name of your choice for the credentials to be added.

  2. Enter API Key: Enter an API Key as generated from Datto for an user.

  3. Enter API Secret: Enter API Secret as generated from Datto for an user.

  4. Enter Domain: Enter domain as shown into Datto under user.

Once all the above is entered correctly, SAVE credentials.

  • Once all the below details are provided, SAVE the data. Likewise, multiple credentials can be added in this section using the '+' sign. Each set of Credentials can be attached to a company using Company Mapping.

  • Navigate to Company Mapping so as to map added credentials to a company for integration purpose.

  • Under Company Mapping, Choose DattoRMM Credentials from the dropdown ( here already added credentials will reflect).

  • Click on +Add to map a Company to credentials.

  • While Mapping a new Company, Import Companies from DattoRMM OR Map Existing Company into a DattoRMM Company can be selected.

  • As the name suggests, Import Companies from DattoRMM allows to import DattoRMM here.

  • Map Existing Company into a DattoRMM Company allow to map existing company into CyberCNS to be mapped to existing company into DattoRMM.

  • Once appropriate selection is done, Click on Next.

  • In case of DattoRMM companies to be imported, they will reflect as shown below. Search Company feature can be used into CyberCNS in case you have many companies under Datto and need to search for a specific company.

  • Once required company/companies are selected, click on Finish.

  • Multiple companies if mapped, will be listed under Mapping Info as shown below. Once this integration and company mapping is completed, user should be able to see CyberCNS Variables auto added into DattoRMM under the mapped Sites.

  • Login to the Datto RMM instance as an administrator. (This is the New Interface)

  • Generate User API Key for Integration with CyberCNS

  • Navigate to Settings>Users sections into Datto

  • Select the user to generate the API key for.

  • As shown below, click on Generate API Key ( if not generated already) Or use the existing API Key information.

  • Use User API Key, API Secret Key and API URL from here.

  • In the case of DattoRMM, To add a CyberCNS agent installation script, a new Component is to be created.

  • DattoRMM can be used for installing CyberCNS Lightweight agent OR CyberCNS Probe Agent.

  • Create separate components for each agent (Lightweight and Probe) and each OS (separate components for MacOS, Linux and Windows).

  • Respective scripts for MacOS, Linux and Windows, which are ready to be used with DattoRMM can be used from below documentation.

Datto RMM - Agent Installation Scripts for Windows

Datto RMM - Agent Installation Scripts for MacOS

Datto RMM - Agent Installation Scripts for Linux

  1. Follow the below steps to create Components.

  • Navigate to Automation on the main menu.

  • Click on Components under Automation, which will open the Component Library on the right side of the pane.

  • Click on Create Component to create a new component.

  • Enter the details below to create a component (software/scripts) that can be used for deployment to a device or a group of devices.

Name a Component, to help you understand what it will do.

Add Description of this component for understanding what will be a use of this component.

Select the category as Scripts.

Select Script as Shell(Unix, macOS) to create a component for MacOS & Linux agent installation.

Select Script as Powershell to create a component for Windows agent installation.

  • Copy Paste the script provided by CyberCNS in the Script window for MacOS / Windows as per requirement.

  • The next step is to select Sites to deploy agents. As per requirement, please select All Sites OR Selected Sites where the CyberCNS agent is to be deployed. These Sites are already present in Datto RMM.

  • Once you will have CyberCNS Integration in place for Datto RMM and Company mapping done into CyberCNS, variables will be auto captured from CyberCNS per company.

  • Under Variables, values of Company ID, Client ID, Client Secret, and CyberCNS domain URL will be fetched once Datto RMM credentials are shared in CyberCNS under Integrations.

  • Every company in CyberCNS will have different values for Company ID, Client ID, and Client Secret which will be created as a variable in Datto.

To save the component created, click on Create Component at the end.

  • Once the Component is Saved successfully, it will be listed under the Component List.

  1. Once the Component/s are ready, jobs should be created so as to run as per schedule/immediately as it is set.

  2. To create a Job to run using Component/s created, navigate to Automation>Jobs from the main menu. Select Create Job.

  • Once Create Job is clicked, it will require to Name the Job for understanding purpose.

  • The next step is to ADD COMPONENT for this job.

  • This will populate already created Components to choose from. Select a component created for CyberCNS Agent installation and ADD.

  • Once added it will list under Components.

  • Next is to ADD TARGET, After clicking on Add target, the list of Targets will appear on the right pane.

  • Choose Device Filters/Device Groups to select a Target group to be added for deploying CyberCNS Agent.

  • Now, create a schedule to run this job Immediately Or to run at a set frequency.

  • Lastly set the Expiration of this job as required.

  • Execution should be selected as Run as a System Account.

  • Once all set, click on Create Job to save it. Once confirmed it will create a job.

  • Once the job is saved, it will be listed under Jobs. All Active Jobs will showcase newly created jobs.

  • All Completed jobs can be seen under the Completed tab as below. To check on the job details, click on Job Name.

  • In the Job details, the jobs status summary is seen as follows. In case of success, the Job Status is shown as Success.

  • In case to check the Stdout, you can click on the last column value and check the standard output. Stdout for the successful job will be as below, showing CyberCNS Agent installation is successful.

  • In case of an error, it will showcase an error faced under (Standard Error) Stderr.

  • This completes the Datto RMM.

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