Agent Command Line Options

Agent Command Line Options

Table of Contents

Commands - Authentication and Identification

./cybercnsagent.exe -c <companyId> -e <tenantId> -j <userSecret> -p <proxySettings> -i -g<Tags> -f;

Command Switch


Command Switch



Specifies the Company ID


Specifies the Tenant ID


Specifies the User Secret


Initializes the agent


Installs the agent


Reinitializes the agent


Configures proxy settings for the agent; only considered during agent configuration


Specifies tags to be added to discovered assets by the agent

Commands - Scanning and Maintenance

The below commands are used with .\cybercnsagent.exe

Command Switch


Command Switch



Displays the agent of CyberCNSAgent running


Starts the scanner


Specifies the scan type


Specifies the compliance scan type


Runs the agent in verbose mode for detailed debugging


Specifies the location to dump scanned data for offline mode


Removes/uninstalls the CyberCNSAgent


Updates the CyberCNSAgent version

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