Audit Logs (Global)

Audit Logs are only available at the Global level for Admins


Audit Logs - Table of Contents

Audit Logs - Overview

The Global Audit Logs provide exportable table view data, including created date and time stamp, company name, action, action by, and title information.


Tap on the download icon to export the logs from the system:

Action Types Recorded

Agent Deleted
Agent Modified
Application Baseline Created
Asset Deleted
Asset Modified
Company Created
Company Deleted
Company Modified
Credentials Created
Credentials Deleted
Credentials Modified
Custom Profile Created
Custom Profile Deleted
Discovery Setting / Scan Modified
Discovery Setting / Scan Created
Discovery Setting / Scan Deleted
Discovery Settings Created
Discovery Settings Deleted
Discovery Settings Modified
Integration Credentials Created
PII Scan Created
PII Scan Deleted
PII Scan Modified
Scheduler Created
Scheduler Deleted
Scheduler Modified
Ticketing Template Created
User Created
User Deleted
User Login
User Logout
User Modified

Audit Logs - Action Toolbar Details


Tap to view the timeline style of System Events with filtering options.


Tap to view the Getting Started info; see the link below for additional information.

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