Global Settings

Global Settings

These settings will affect all companies in the portal and any newly added. Most defaults will be fine, but you should review each option to become familiar with what is here.



Global Settings - Table of Contents

Global Settings - Details

Anti Ransomware


NOTE: Only manually added applications can be removed using the ‘Excluded’ side

The Global Anti-Ransomware contains the list of antivirus applications shown in the security report card for the respective assets. Any application not listed as antivirus under Global Anti-Ransomware can be added here.
Please run a scan after adding it to ensure that the application name is reflected in the security report card of the respective asset.
To Exclude any application from the Global Anti-Ransomware list, please click on the '->' for the selected application.

You can mass update these by using the check box options:

Backup Software

The Global Backup Software contains the list of Backup Software shown in the security report card for the respective assets and also reflects as a complaint for the asset under the Essential Eight Backup Software Compliance rule.
Any Backup Software that is not already listed under Global Backup Software can be added here. Please run a scan after adding it here to reflect the software name in the security report card for the respective asset.
To Exclude any of the Backup Software from the Global Backup Software list, please click on the '->' for the selected software.

Compliance Scan

Select which of the Compliance frameworks you want to scan for during the Full or Compliance Scan options.

By default, we only scan for vulnerabilities, so be sure to check your Global and Company Settings for Compliance Scan options based on your client's requirements.

Tap to see the how to on Compliance Scanning.

How To: Run A Compliance Scan

Custom Date Format

Select your preferred date format; shown in any time/date stamps in the UI and reporting.

Custom Domain

Provide your domain name and SSL certificate/private key to brand your login URL. With the same Domain Registrar, generate your SSL certificate and private key, either PEM or CRT. The SSL algorithm must be in RSA format.

Default Redirect URL

Set the default module/page that loads when you first sign in to the ConnectSecure portal.

Deprecated Asset Retention Period

Retain deprecated assets that have been under deprecation for x number of days.

Deprecation Days

Set Asset and Agent Deprecation days for assets and agents that have been offline and not scanned for x number of days.

The Microsoft OS vulnerabilities for the respective assets are suppressed for the number of days entered here, starting from the day after the initial release.

EDR Application

The Global EDR applications contain the list of antivirus applications shown in the security report card for the respective assets. Any application that is not already listed under Global EDR applications can be added here. Please run a scan after adding it to reflect the application name in the security report card of the respective asset. To Exclude any application from the Global EDR applications list, please click on the '->' for the selected application.

Enable Self Approval

This allows any ConnectSecure User with the Role of ‘Approver’ selected to perform a self-approval on suppressing a problem/vulnerability.

Exclude Component(s) from Security Report Card

Select your options to exclude the options showing on your security report card.


The Global Firewall contains the list of firewall options shown in the security report card for the respective assets. Any application that is not already listed as antivirus under Global Firewall can be added here.
Please run a scan after adding it to ensure that the application name is reflected in the security report card of the respective asset.
To Exclude any application from the Global Firewall list, please click on the '->' for the selected application.

Global Table Setting

Set your default font size and number of items that load per page/row.

Patching Status

This is where you enable the ConnectSecure Patching Engine. Enabling this feature does not automatically start patching assets unless you have already defined a Patch Scheduler policy.

Ports Policy

Set Insecure, Excluded, Denied, and/or Allowed Ports for scanning.

Report Settings

DOCX Customization

Changes to this section apply only to the Standard Reports in the Word output option.

Use the field options to enter desired text, change drop-down values, or use the image icon to upload/delete images from the header, footer, and company logo options.

ConnectSecure provides five choices for a Cover Image; tap to select a default. If no custom cover page is added for the company, the default will be used. Docx is only supported for cover pages.

XLSX Customization

Changes to this section apply only to the Standard Reports in the Excel output option.

Add your look and feel to the Excel exports, which include the following:

  • Header Text Color

  • Header Text Size

  • Header Cell Color

  • Data Cell Color

  • Data Text Color

  • Data Text Size

Toggle options for making header text bold and data text bold.

Custom Cover Page for Docx Format

Use the Choose Company drop-down to select from the company options that include All Companies or a selection of one or more active companies.

Then tap the Choose File button and upload your desired cover page, in DOCX format.

The Applied Companies table will display any of the cover page(s) currently in use; tap the download button to preview or the trash icon to remove.

Reset User Secret

Tap the Reset button to erase and replace the existing user_secret used for the current logged in user.

See the https://cybercns.atlassian.net/wiki/x/nYA_f page for full details on the agent installation parameters.

Roaming Applications

By default, we will scan the roaming folder if found in the %appdata% directory for any software/versions that may have vulnerabilites. You can disable the option for any company by using the ‘Action’ toggle.

Check here to learn more about Roaming Profiles: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/roaming-user-profiles

Scan Time Interval

Set the default interval for how often your online Lightweight (LW) agent will scan

Session Timeout

Set the minutes values for Idle, Wait, and Logout times.

Suppress Vulnerabilities Days

Set the days to suppress the vulnerabilities after the initial release before they are shown as active problems; this includes application and operating system patches.

Tag Management

View the Tags applied across all companies; use the Action trash can icon to delete any associated tag rules. Tags can also be managed under the Tags section at the individual asset level.

Timezone Settings

Select and set your preferred time zone. This will appear in the date/time stamps and be used when setting up the global and company-level Scheduler options.

White Label Settings

Set your page logo and display options that include the Page Title, Footer, and Dark/Light Modo logos.

Global Settings - Action Toolbar Details

The action toolbar contacts the standard Alerts, Info, and Help Link options.


Tap to view the timeline style of System Events with filtering options.


Tap to view the Getting Started info; see the link below for additional information.

Getting Started In App Info

Help Link

Tap to view the corresponding documentation for this page.

Need Support?

Contact our support team by sending an email to support@connectsecure.com or by visiting our Partner Portal, where you can create, view, and manage your tickets.
