Report Builder

Global > Reports includes the Report Builder module only.

To see Standard Reports, switch to a Company and then access the Reports option to see Report Builder and Standard Reports.


Report Builder (Global) - Table of Contents

What is Report Builder?

This is our customized reporting engine, built by ConnectSecure. It enables you to create report templates using prebuilt Report Blocks, which offer data views in various formats such as tables, pie graphs, and bar charts. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to search and select the data they need to display easily. Once saved, you can use these reports for any companies in the ConnectSecure portal and take advantage of the Report Scheduler to automate the sending of your critical reporting.

Report Builder (Global) - Overview

The Report Builder screen is divided into two main sections. Report Templates and Generated Reports.


Report Builder (Global) - Details

Report Templates

This is where you can view existing report templates to Edit or Delete them using the three-dot action menu.

Edit Report Template

Tap the Edit option to make changes to any existing report template. Once changes are done, tap Save.

Delete Report Template

Tap the Delete option to remove the Report Template permanently. You will be prompted with a confirmation box that you must tap Delete to complete.

Add Report Template

Tap the Add button to create a new report template.

You will not see the Add button from the Company View of Report Builder

From the REPORT BLOCKS menu on the left side, you can drag to drop the various data options based on the scope of your report needs.

You can edit or remove any added report block by tapping the perspective icon.

Edit Report Block

Tap the pencil icon to edit the report block data fields.

This allows you to re-arrange, edit the display name, or remove the field from the report block data.

Choose available Sorting options by field and/or type (ascending or descending).

Remove Report Block

Tap the trash can icon to delete a report block from the report design space.

Searching Report Blocks

You can also use the Search Block feature to look for specific data. For example, I will search for data related to ‘Vulnerabilities,’ so I will use that string in the search box.

The search will return any matches and filter the Report Blocks down to help find the exact data needed.

Drag as many Report Blocks as desired, then tap the Save button.

You will be prompted to enter a Template Name and Cover Image. Tap Save when complete.

You will be returned to the Report Templates screen and should see a success message.

The template is now available for use. Navigate to a company by using the selector in the top right corner.

Once a company is selected, you can now use the three-dot Action menu and select Generate Report.

A report message box appears to confirm that the report job is running.

To view your report(s), navigate to the Generated Reports section (see below for details)

Generated Reports

This is where you view any of the Generated Reports from your Report Builder Report Templates.

This includes the Created Date, Report Name, Report Type, Job Status, Job ID, Description, and Download fields.






Displays the date-time stamp for when the report was created


Displays the date-time stamp for when the report was last updated

Report Name

Displays the report name from the selected Report Template

Report Type

Displays the Report Type (Example: DOCX)

Job ID

Displays a job ID

Job Status

Displays the job status (Example: Completed, Failed, Processing)


Displays a description for the job and what report was processed


Displays a download icon; tap to download the generated report

Report Builder (Global) - Action Toolbar Overview

The action navigation toolbar contains actions for Terminate, Regenerate Job, Download, and Alerts.

Report Builder (Global) - Action Toolbar Actions

Terminate Job

Use this to terminate a reporting job that is processing. Termination can only be done for In-Progress jobs. You must select at least one record to use this action.

Regenerate Job

Use this to regenerate a report job that is processing. Regeneration can only be done for In-Progress jobs. It is required to select at least one record to use this action.

Download Report

Use this to download a generated report that has completed processing. Download is only available for Completed report jobs. Select at least one record to use this action.

Tap on Yes to complete the download.

Your file explorer will prompt you to choose a location to store the download.


Tap to view the System Events in a timeline-style format.

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