Navigate to the company in the ConnectSecure portal and tap the download agent button to obtain the Mac agent installer parameters.
Tap on the Mac option and copy the URL as shown below; do not include the “ around the URL.
URL: |
Browse to the URL which should display a browser entry like this:
Copy the value provided in the browser and go to that URL to download the .pkg file.
Login to Microsoft Intune (, and click on Apps > macOS
Tap on the + Add button.
Tap the App type and select macOS app (PKG) and tap the Select button.
Upload the cybercnsagent_darwin file you created in the first steps of this guide by tapping on the ‘Select app package file’ link upload.
Select the folder option and browse to your PKG file.
Tap on Ok and proceed to update fields.
Update the required fields on the App Information screen, and click on next.
Required Field | Value |
Name | cybercnsagent_darwin.pkg |
Description | cybercnsagent_darwin.pkg |
Publisher | ConnectSecure |
Tap on the Next button to configure program options.
Login to your ConnectSecure portal and navigate to Company > Overview/Agents.
Copy only the agent installation command from the installation script provided.
Complete the required fields to complete the Program section.
Required Field | Value |
Pre-install script | not required can leave blank |
Post-install script | Must begin with #!/bin/bash, then provide the script copied from the Mac agent installer as shown below. |
Tap on Next, move to the Requirements section, and complete the required fields.
Required Field | Value |
Minimum operating system | macOS Catalina 10.15 |
Tap Next, move to the Detection Rules. No changes are required; you can tap next to proceed.
Assignments are optional; configure the desired options and tap on Next.
Complete the process at the Review + create section and tap on Create.