
Integration with Office 365 email allows ConnectSecure to send outbound emails for notification and report scheduling.

Using a licensed user’s email address as the ‘Send From’ email address when sending reports is recommended.

There might be restrictions when using a Shared Mailbox and could prevent our reporting tool from producing reports correctly.

Getting Started

Navigate to Global > Settings/Integrations > then tap the Office365 Email tile.




Complete the required fields and tap Update to continue:

Name: Enter a name of your choice for the integration credentials.

Email for Receiving Test Email: Enter an email address to receive the test email.

Client ID: Enter the Client ID from the Microsoft Azure portal.

Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret from the Microsoft Azure portal.

Tenant ID: Enter the Tenant ID from the Microsoft Azure portal.

Email Address to Send From: Enter the email address used when sending from ConnectSecure.

Email Address for Reply To: Enter the email address used for a reply when the email is sent from ConnectSecure.

Associated Company: Leave this blank to use for all companies.

Obtain Microsoft Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID

  1. Navigate to https://portal.azure.com/ and log in using MFA-enabled Global Administrator.

  2. Click on App Registrations > New Registration.

  1. Enter a Name to be used for the registered application (Example: ConnectSecure_O365Email)

  2. Select the ‘single tenant’ option under Supported Account Types

  1. Tap on the Register button once done.

  1. From the left panel, select the API Permissions and tap ‘Add a permission’

  1. Tap the Microsoft Graph choice under the Microsoft API’s selection.

  1. Setup both Delegrated and Application permissions.

  1. Tap on the ‘Grant admin consent….' button to complete permissions.

  1. Confirm again using the Yes button.

  1. Navigate to Certificates & secrets for the newly created application and tap on ‘New client secret’.

  1. Give the new client secret a Description and Expires option, then tap Add.

  1. Copy the Value from the newly created Client secret, which is used in the ConnectSecure integration setup.

  1. Navigate back to the Overview for the app registration to copy the Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID needed in ConnectSecure.


Event Set

Refer to our Event Set KB here: https://cybercns.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UYCugg

Integration Rules

Here, we define which email address will be notified based on the configured Event Set(s) from above. Complete the required fields to save.

Name: Give the integration rule a name of your choice.

Email ID: Enter the email address(s) comma separated to receive any configured Event Set alert.

Event Set: Select the Event Set for the associated email profile to use.


Company Mapping

This is where you map your ConnectSecure company to the Integration Rule(s) and can enable the ‘Create Office 365 Email Alert’ box to enable this rule.


Get Support

If you have an integration-related inquiry, please email support@connectsecure.com with the details, and our Support Team will assist you.