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Step 1: Create a Shared Folder

  1. Create a folder named "ccns" where you can store the CyberCNS Agent MSI installer and related files.

  2. Copy the "cybercnsagent.msi" ( Download from Probes/Agents for the company) and "install_ccns.bat" (script provided at the bottom of this document) files into the "ccns" folder.

  3. Share the "ccns" folder with the network by following these steps:


  • Group Policy will now deploy the CyberCNS Agent MSI and execute the "install_ccns.bat" script during computer startup.

  • Below script to be saved as install_ccns.bat, wherein the highlighted parameters to be copied from the actual installation command for that company.

  • Get installation command from Probes/Agents section of the company. eg. as shown below.


@echo off

set "msiPath=\\ccns-dc7\ccns\cybercnsagent.msi"
set "parameters=-c 9394e580-c156-4d5d-a835-2c9977c7d0e8 -a 07ac9322-4da8-4ea1-aff8-6015cd0b4dc1 -s dddb9d50-6d67-4c5f-8e14-72e08290f546 -b -e chandu -i LightWeight"

rem Check if the service is already running
sc query CyberCNSAgentV2 | find "RUNNING" > nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
echo CyberCNSAgentV2 service is already running. Exiting.
exit /b
