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AutoTask API User Creds required for this integration:
Table of Contents



Send ConnectSecure scan results as tickets to AutoTask, along with Configuration and Company syncing options. This ensures your teams stay on top of scan alerts based on the selected events.


Getting Started

  1. Click on Overview Navigate to Global > Settings > Integrations > AutoTask to configure the integrationand choose the AutoTask tile.




Complete the required fields and tap Update to continue:

  1. Enter Name: Give the integration creds a name of your choice

  2. Username: Enter the API Username (see: AutoTask API User Creds)

  3. Password: Enter the API


  1. Password (see: AutoTask API User Creds)

  2. API Integration Code:



Associated Company: This can be left blank for all.


Event Set

This is where you tell the integration what events should generate an alert. Tap the Add button to view and add your desired event sets.


Give the Event Set a name of your choosing, select a Notify By option, and select the Event Set(s) you want to create the alert(s) for.


Tap on the Category name (expand style menu) to see the individual Event Sets based on Category.


Use the checkboxes to select the Event Sets, then tap the Save button. Upon doing so, you will be prompted with a Confirmation box asking if you want to create an Integration Profile or save your event set.


Integration Rules

Here, you will create a name of your choosing and link the previously created Event Set. Tap Save to finish.


You will be prompted with a Confirmation message to save the Integration Rule or tap Yes to save and move to the Company Mapping section.


define any of the alerts from ConnectSecure that you wish to create a ticket in AutoTask for; refer to the Event Set KB here: for full information.


Integration Rules

You will create your Integration Rule that links to the Event Set. This Integration Rule is responsible for telling the Event Set (Alert) how to create in AutoTask (IE: what are the ticket parameters).

This includes the Service Board, Status, Priority, Issue Type, SubIssue Type, Note Type, and Category.


Company Mapping

This is where you manage your company mappings between AutoTask and ConnectSecure; you can import them directly from AutoTask or map existing ConnectSecure companies to AutoTask using the Add button.



Create Ticket = This will enable automatic ticket creation for the selected company based on the mapped Event Set and Integration Profile settings. Enable Configuration is not required or linked to this.

Enable Configuration = This will enable the syncing of Assets from ConnectSecure over to AutoTask Configuration Items. This is not required for Enable Tickets or linked in any way.

Get Support





NOTE: We have seen some reports from our Autotask partners that their API, in some cases, has throttling if too many API requests are made for ticketing.

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Need Support?

Contact our support team by sending an email to or by visiting our Partner Portal, where you can create, view, and manage your tickets.
