Navigate to Global Settings(⚙) > Integrations and choose Halo PSA from the integrations listed.
It will lead you to a page where you can add credentials for Halo PSA Instance. Please provide details as requested.
Once all the details above are provided, SAVE the data. Likewise, you can add multiple credentials in this section using the '+' sign.
How to fetch the details of Halo PSA:
Info |
🔹 How to fetch the details of Halo PSA:
Tenant Name, and Authorisation Server to get from Halo PSA API section. Below is the snapshot for your reference.
Refer to this API documentation link of Halo PSA, to fetch the details of Client ID and Client Secret Key https://haloservicedesk.com/apidoc/info. Below are the snapshots attached for your reference.
For Client ID and Client Secret: In HaloPSA, navigate to Configuration → Integrations → HaloPSA API. Choose View Integrations, then click on "New".
Application Name: Enter a relevant, such as a company name without spaces. Client ID and Client secret will be displayed by choosing Authentication Method as Client ID and Secret(Services).
Domain Name: Navigate to Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSA API > Resource Server will be the domain name(Copy the Domain Name to add to the CyberCNS Halo PSA Integration).
Please make sure NOT to use https in the Domain name and Authorisation Server while adding Halo PSA credentials.
Tenant name: Navigate to Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSA API > Tenant (Copy the Tenant Name to add into the CyberCNS Halo PSA Integration).
Do not add tenant name → it is only for cloud-hosted deployment and not for On-Premise or self-hosted HaloPSA deployments.
Authorisation Server: Navigate to Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSA API > Authorisation Server (Copy the Authorisation Server to add into the CyberCNS Halo PSA Integration).
The next step is to map local companies in CyberCNS to Halo PSA companies corresponding to the selected domain.
Company Mapping
In Company Mapping, there are three rules to be set. Those are Event Set, Integration Profile, and Manage Company Mapping.
Under the Event Set, click on +Add to add the Alert Rule.
Here a set of Events are is to be set to get notified on. Those events are categorised categorized under Agent, Company, Asset, Ports, Remediation, and AD Audit.
Enter the Event Name and select the category of an Events as required.
e.g. Asset category has below-listed alerts and selection of all or any is allowed.
For the Ports category, has the below-listed alerts, and the selection of all or anyone is allowed.
For the Remediation category, selection of Remediation by Company OR Remediation by Asset OR Remediation by Product is allowed.
For the Vulnerability & Azure error category, the below-listed alert, and selection is allowed.
For AD Audit category below-listed alerts are available and selection of all or any is allowed. (Make sure to select the needed as it will create tickets based on the events).
Once the above details are provided, click on Save.
There is an option to Edit, Delete and Set as default for the Notification Rules using the Action column. The listed Notification Rule can be edited and deleted as needed.
For setting the created Event as default, select the option Set as Default.
To confirm the Set as a default action, select Yes or No in the confirmation dialogue box.
Once the event is set to default, under Is Default column the status can be seen.
Integration Profile
Info |
Users will be able to set notification rules from integrations right away for conditions listed under it. |
Under the Integration Profile, click on +Add to add the Integration Rule.
Enter the Name, Select the credential, and fill out all of the required fields in the Integration Parameters.
Once the below details are provided, click on Save.
There is an option to Edit, Delete and Set as default under the Integration Rules using the Action column. The listed Integration Rule can be edited or deleted as needed.
For setting the newly created Event as the default, select the option Set as Default.
To confirm the Set as a default action, select Yes or No in the confirmation dialogue box.
Click on Manage Company Mapping.
Choose Halo PSA Credentials from the dropdown and click on + Add to add Integration Mapping.
In New Company Mapping, choose the Halo PSA Credential which are is listed. (These are to be added under the Integration section for Halo PSA).
In the below image, the company can be searched using the search option given.
The Page Size shows the rows per page that can be displayed for search results and the Page shows the number of pages that can be displayed for a search result.
Click on Get Companies to show the list of the companies as requested in the search column.
Once searched as per the choice or the requirement it displays the search result in the Select Companies dropdown.
In case you want to manually search the company, you can simply click on the drop-down of Halo PSA Companies and it will list all companies available under Halo PSA.
Once the company is selected, it shows as an additional entry below. It can be deleted or click on Next to proceed further.
As shown in the below image, select the Local company( CyberCNS) and Halo PSA ConnectWise company by using a dropdown or with the search bar as per the requirement so it will map the companies accordingly.
Once the company is selected click on ‘Add' to select the company and click on Finish to map all the selected Halo PSA companies.
In case want to be notified, do not select the No Notification option; if don't want to be notified, select the No Notification option and click Add.Click on the checkbox to enable create ticket
From the dropdown select the event set and Integrate Profile and click on
button to add the event set and integration profile.
Once the company is selected click on ‘Add' to select the company.
Once all the fields are provided, click on Finish.
Selected companies are shown in the image below, along with details such as Existing Company Name, Company Name, and Mapped Date.
Using the Action column, you can delete the integration mapping. Any mapping can be removed if necessary.