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Navigate to Global Settings(⚙) > Integrations and choose Azure AD from the integrations listed here.
It will lead you to add credentials for your Azure AD Instance. Provide details as requested.
Enter Azure AD Credentials
Click on + to add Azure AD credentials.
Choose a name for the credentials and Save.
On clicking the Save option is clicked, you are redirected to sign in to your Microsoft account.
Once the login is successful, the Azure AD Credentials will be stored. It is possible to add multiple credentials. You need to log on with a user having a Global Administrator role.
Company Mapping
The next step is to map local companies in CyberCNS to Azure AD companies corresponding to the selected Azure AD credentials.
In New Company Mapping, choose the Azure AD Credential of your choice from the dropdown and click on +Add to map the company.
One of these two options could be selected
🔸 Import Companies from Azure AD:- To import multiple companies at a time.
🔹 Map Existing Company to a Azure AD company:- To map an existing company to the Azure AD company.
To import multiple companies from Azure AD, choose Import Companies from Azure AD, click on Next.
Multiple companies can be added in the user interface.
Now click on Finish to import all the selected Azure AD companies.
As shown in the below image, select the Existing company and Azure AD company by using a dropdown or with the search bar as per the requirement.
Once the company is selected click on ‘+' to select the company and click on Finish to map all the selected Azure AD companies.
There is an option to Delete the integration mapping using the Action column. Any company mapping can be deleted if needed.
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Azure Active Directory
Now on the Company Level, Navigate to Azure Active Directory to get the details of Active Directory User Data, Active Directory Role Assignments, Active Directory Groups, and Active Directory Audit Logs.
In Active Directory User Data will get the details of User Principal Name, Display Name, Given Name, Account Enabled, and Created Date Time.
In the Active Directory Groups, will get the details of Display Name, Mail, Group Types, Mail Enabled, Proxy Addresses, Resource Behavior Options, Security Enabled, Security Identifier, Visibility, and Created Date Time.
Microsoft Secure Score
Microsoft Secure Score is a numerical summary of your security posture based on system configurations, user behavior, and other security-related measurements; it is not an absolute measurement of how likely your system or data will be breached.
Once you enter the credentials, it will register the application with Microsoft. On successful registration it will populate the data to CyberCNS portal under the company you have mapped it. It takes approx 15 mins to get registered with Microsoft.
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Non CSP, Please follow below steps for Azure AD integration. |
Step 1: Make sure the credentials used for integration have global admin permissions.
Step 2: In the same CyberCNS browser window, please login to the Azure portal in the adjacent tab.
Step 5: Please wait for 10 to 15 minutes after the consent. Microsoft takes time to approve the application. After the approval the data should be populated in CyberCNS portal.
Troubleshooting Case 1
While signing in to Microsoft account, Permission to be granted by enabling the checkbox “Consent on behalf of your organization”.
For CSP user follow the below steps to troubleshoot the issue
Replace the customerid with Azure tenent ID in the below URL
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{customerid}/v2.0/adminconsent?client_id=41347456-8f58-4bee-9a3a-0f5708b7212f&scope=offline_access%20Organization.Read.All%20User.Read%20AccessReview.ReadWrite.All%20email%20Reports.Read.All%20SecurityEvents.Read.All%20Directory.AccessAsUser.All%20Directory.ReadWrite.All%20openid%20profile%20User.ReadWrite.All%20Group.ReadWrite.All%20SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All%20AuditLog.Read.All&redirect_uri=https://authccns.mycybercns.com&state=12345 Login with customer administrator account and accept all the steps wait for some time to see populated data.
For Non CSP user follow the below steps to troubleshoot the issue
If the consent has not enabled the checkbox before sign in to Microsoft Account, follow the steps below
login to Microsoft Azure portal https://portal.azure.com
Click on Enterprise Applications -> Search for your Tenent in overview
In the Enterprise Applications, Click on All Applications → Click on CyberCNS Application
After clicking on CyberCNS click on Properties → Delete the application
Navigate to Global Settings(⚙) > Integrations and choose Azure AD from the integrations listed here.
It will lead you to add credentials for your Azure AD Instance. Provide details as requested. Enter Azure AD Credentials
Click on + to add Azure AD credentials.
Choose a name for the credentials and Save.
On clicking the Save option is clicked, you are redirected to sign in to your Microsoft account.
Once the login is successful, the Azure AD Credentials will be stored. It is possible to add multiple credentials. You need to log on with a user having a Global Administrator role.
If data is not populated check in Microsoft Azure portal in CyberCNS permissions, the type of permissions to be granted for Admin account or User account.
Troubleshooting Case 2 - 90 Days token expired
Navigate to Global Settings(⚙) > Integrations and choose Azure AD from the integrations listed here.
It will lead you to add credentials for your Azure AD Instance. Provide details as requested.
Enter Azure AD Credentials
Click on + to add Azure AD credentials.
Choose a name for the credentials and Save.
On clicking the Save option is clicked, you are redirected to sign in to your Microsoft account.
Once the login is successful, the Azure AD Credentials will be stored. It is possible to add multiple credentials. You need to log on with a user having a Global Administrator role.
This completes Azure AD Integration.